I was watching a Taiwanese interview of w-inds. and the host asked w-inds. a question about their sense of fashion. w-inds. replied it's important to have their own sense of style which mean they have control what they like to wear.
They say that they tell the stylist what kind of style they want and the stylist will prepare clothes of the style they want to them.
I've always liked what they wore in the past but recently the style in "Beautiful Life" was not pleasing me. What I'm talking is not the clothing they wear in the PV, it's the clothing they wear during the lives it just bother me every time I watch one of the live.
I have no complaints as for what Ryohei's wearing because his style didn't change much from before. But Keita and Ryuichi, I don't like it.
Keita doesn't look bad with the white shirt and neck tie but the bottom half looks weird. And if you look at the whole body it doesn't look great because it just brings out how skinny and tall he is.
And Ryuichi there's time where I like his style and there's times where I really don't like it.
So is this a problem with me just not liking it or is it the stylist or is it w-inds. themselves?
w-inds. sense of fashion Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 0 comments»
Monday, 17 December 2007 at 12:12:00 pm
Zombie Loan Labels: Anime | 0 comments»
STORY: Michiru Kita is a special girl who possesses Shinigami Eyes, which allows her to see a dark ring around a person's neck. This ring symbolizes the person's impending death; once they are marked to die, a gray ring, which is invisible to normal people, appears around their neck. Over time, the ring gets darker, and once the ring turns completely black, the person dies. Chika Akatsuki and Shito Tachibana, two boys in her class, both have black rings around their necks, but to her surprise, they are not yet dead. It is revealed that after a tragic accident that was supposed to kill them both, the two boys made a deal with a secret loan office called the Zombie-Loan. In return for keeping them alive, the two have to hunt zombies for the loan office. When Michiru gets involved with them, she finds that her life has just become more complicated.
Source from: wikipedia
The new animes that I started watching lately doesn't interest me that much, I can't say it's boring or what-so-ever but it doesn't make me have the urge to watch a lot of episodes at once.
Until I started watching "Zombie Loan" this morning, simply because I got attracted to the graphics and since it's only 11 episodes I finished all in one morning.
The story was pretty interesting, as in the first episode we get to see the two main character Shito and Chika switching hands which is kind of spooky also what Michiru actually saw grabs the viewer's attention.
The 3 main characters remind me of Fruits Basket's Kyo, Yuki and Tohru. 2 guys and 1 girl, the girl being clumsy and stupid, a hot head guy and a cool/mysterious guy.
I really hate when animes endings doesn't seem like an ending, I'm not sure if the manga continues but it only have 8 volumes. I thought that they could do more episodes rather than ending it in the 1th episode. Even if there's filler I think it would still be interesting to watch.
Monday, 10 December 2007 at 12:30:00 pm
ガリレオ - Galileo Labels: Jdrama | 2 comments»
** Watch out for spoilers **
I haven't been watching that many jdramas this season, only Yukan Club and Galileo.
I saw on DramaWiki that every episodes of Galileo has high rating which means this drama is worth watching (although at times good rating doesn't mean I like it).
After downloading 5 episodes in one night, the next day I watched 5 episodes in a row.
I must say I love these mystery cases, everything can be explained scientifically.
The first case about the guy's head on fire was such a capture, it makes me wants to watch it and know what's happening. That guy who killed that teen is such a genius to think of such a way to murder someone.
The more I watch Galileo the more I like Yukawa Manabu, he's such a dork! So far I'm up to episode 8 and there's 2 more episodes to go. I wonder if they will say anything about Kaoru and Yukawa being together? (I doubt it, dramas like this always leaves the love parts off)
I can't wait to see the rest of it!
Thursday, 6 December 2007 at 9:37:00 pm
GOTH - Live Movie Labels: J-Movie, manga | 8 comments»
Goth was originally a novel written by Ostu-ichi and was adapted into a manga by Kendi Oiwa. The novel also won the Honkaku Mystery Prize and now it was announced that Goth will be made into a movie. Right up to now I only know that Hongo Kanata will be starring in it.
I started to take a notice of Hongo Kanata every since Prince of Tennis Live, so I'm really looking forward for this movie.
And recently I've manga to download the manga of Goth.
It's one of the type that I'm not interested in, it's about the dark side and weird things. The story is about two high school students: an unnamed male narrator, and a girl named Yoru Morino. Both are fascinated by murder, and end up involved in six different murder mysteries happening in their hometown.
In the manga they have some disgusting scenes, it really turned me off. But luckily it's only a manga it didn't scared me too much.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007 at 10:47:00 pm
L ~ Change the WorLd~ Teaser Labels: J-Movie | 0 comments»
L ~Change the WorLd~ Teaser Released.
I was so crazy about Death Note last year when I started reading the manga and started to recommend it to people around me. Then the live movie was released and it became such a big hit that everyone knows about it.
But I got sick of it that I didn't bother to finish the anime version of it. But L is one of the coolest anime character.
I thought Kenichi was totally hot as L that I started to take an eye on him but I only like him as L. So when I heard that there will be a movie about L I was so happy and excited.
Just today I found out the trailer was release (I'm a bit slow about it).
I did read about the plot before, but still has no clue how they would implement this story within the 28 days before L dies. It makes no sense to me at all when I think about the manga or movie. 28 days before L died he was still solving the Kira case and I did see Missa in the trailer and death note but not Light.
This might be another great movie continued from Death Note 1 & 2 but it might also be a disappointment. It can be a disappointment if L is featured as the main character but it might be not, lets just hope note.
Teaser #1
Teaser #2
Teaser #3
Monday, 3 December 2007 at 10:21:00 pm
I'm done with "Jotei" Labels: Jdrama | 1 comments»
Using a day time I manage to finish 9 episodes of last season jdrama "Jotei". At first I was struggling whether to download this drama or not but after watching the first episode online I was confident that this drama was worth the time to download. As I have been pretty busy with other stuff I left this drama lying in my drawer until now.
Spending the time last night and this morning I finally finished it. I love this drama once I started it I couldn't stop watching it.
Warning ~SPOILERS~
From episode 1 to episode 10 it kept me interested in what will happen to Ayaka. Although it's not anything special about a girl who has a strong mind, but the path of how she become jotei was interesting.
Every time I watch jdramas which is about 'hosts' it makes me think "Do they really get this much power?" It seem like to me that they rule and they can do whatever they want, then I think "Aren't they just a host?"
But anyway, then I see those womens having sex with those guys just for sake of preventing Ayaka from being a jotei really makes me think that the world is full of darkness. And those who's against Ayaka ended up hurting themselves or the people around them.
Just when I thought Ayaka and Naoto could finally be together, they just had to make Naoto die from having brain cancer. It was pretty sudden when they said Naoto has brain cancer because from previous episodes it didn't show any sign that he's ill.
While watching "Jotei" I've discover that Kato Rosa looks a bit like Sonjia Kwok, a Hong Kong actress just that Kato Rosa is much younger. Even my mum and brother agree that she looks a bit like Sonjia, especially when she had the curled hair and make-up on.
This season jdrama I'm only watching Yukan Club and planning to watch Galileo because of the high rating every episodes.
Monday, 19 November 2007 at 8:01:00 pm
Please tell me thats not him Labels: Jpop, Tachibana Keita, w-inds. | 4 comments»
This photo of Keita was taken when w-inds. attended to the press conference after their arrival to Taiwan. I have to say this photo is one of the worst photo of Keita, there's no photos which are worst than this photo. Just look at his face, he's face is so skinny and with his new short haircut it makes his face even more skinner and long. He looks really tired and got eye bags and his skin is not in a good condition which he didn't even try putting make-up to make him look better.
How I wish I could back the old w-inds. style when they are still young and look 'young' with nice and beautiful skin. They are just too tired and working too much after tour in Japan now tour in Taiwan, I think they need a break.
Please Keita leave your hair back longer.
Saturday, 10 November 2007 at 7:52:00 pm
w-inds. is at Taiwan! Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 0 comments»
Once again w-inds. is at Taiwan again, this is their 3rd time opening a concert at Taiwan and it's their 4th time in Taiwan. There was around 400 fans waiting for them at the airport.
They will open this concert twice with the days they in Taiwan, lucky fans will get to hand shake and take photos with w-inds. after the concert.
Before I was reading news and was worried because it said that there's only 6% of the tour tickets were sold I don't understand why. It's the Taiwanese fans sent them letters to come to Taiwan 'again' for a tour and now no body buys their tickets? Well, I don't care much if their tickets are all sold out by now not like I can purchase any of it.
I think w-inds. had enough of Taiwan, they should just come to my country. Then they can relax and get away from crazy fans following them and instead I could be the only one who's following them.
Thursday, 8 November 2007 at 10:28:00 pm
Biyou Shounen Celebrity - Ep1 Labels: Jdrama | 6 comments»
Beauty Boys Celebrity, or BBC for short, is a show about a secret salon that invites young woman to become 'beautiful' -- by the hands of a group of gifted 'ikemen'. The one problem is that these men really don't understand the meaning of true beauty, or well, do not understand the mind of a woman. Despite the salon's epic reputation, these stylist always run into a problem with their customers which has these men questioning: " What exactly is true beauty? "
Source: SBK Fansubs
I watched Ep1 last night it was alright. I don't know if this story is from a manga because when I was watching ep1 it reminds me of a manga that I have read before. Also everything seems very manga-ish. I only started watching this because I thought the guys were pretty cute and I also know Kotani from Tenimyu.
I thought the style of this drama is close to Happy Boys and Delicious Gakuin, I'm not too sure but I think each episodes is only 30mins.
These kind of plot in manga is nothing special and not weird but when it comes to live it gives me a feeling like "WTH?" It's kind of interesting to see how they turn each females into very beautiful. I guess I'll keep on watching it since it's not that bad.
Sunday, 4 November 2007 at 2:18:00 pm
Beautiful Life PV Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 4 comments»
I know there's too much "Beautiful Life" posts but I can't help it since I just saw the PV.
The way this PV is filmed is like an eye of someone and right until the end you will know who's eye is that.
I like how they add little symbols in during the PV such as in the start we see "LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING" PV playing on the LCD TV. Then when w-inds. going into the super market, on glass it has "Beautiful Life" which I think the super market is called "Beautiful Life" as it has a shopping cart on it as well. The last symbol I spotted was when w-inds. at the counter paying the guy's apron has the "W" symbol.
These symbols aren't hard to spot, I spotted them on the first time I watch the PV.
To know who's that eye we've been looking through, it will show us right at the end when w-inds. is taking a group photo and the last shot is the outcome of the group photo.
Overall the PV is nothing too special but I like it and how it's different from their previous PVs.
Saturday, 27 October 2007 at 11:46:00 am
Yukan Club Ep01 Labels: Jdrama | 2 comments»
"Yukan Club" is the first jdrama that I watched in the 2007 Autumn Season. Just then I finished episode 1.
~WARNING: Watch out for spoilers~
First of all I'm not a KAT-TUN fan at all but since I love detective dramas and "Yukan Club" is about students who solve mystery cases which is close to detective dramas, that is probably the season why I'm watching this.
Couple of comments after watching the first episode.
It feels like to me that the manga into drama series are following the Taiwanese foot steps in exaggerating acting just like Hana Kimi.
Why is that they have to exaggerate so much in the beginning for each characters? It feels like they love doing that in school dramas (for example: Hana Kimi and Yamada Tarou).
These six different personalties characters as a group gives me a weird feeling which makes me think why they could be good friends.
It's really hard to not notice Junnosuke with his bright blond hair and blue contacts. His blond just stands out so much from the others as all the others are black/brown. This is the first time I see Jin's acting, to me think he's okay.
Getting down to the plot. To say the truth while I was watching it I had the urge to skip parts of it but I stopped myself from doing that. Which mean I got a bit bored of it but it wasn't that bad to completely shut it down. Maybe I missed some lines, but why are they solving crimes? To me they are just a group of popular students who feels bored, maybe that's the reason why.
Got kind of a mix feeling whether I like it or not, but I am still continuing to watching "Yukan Club".
Thursday, 25 October 2007 at 11:12:00 pm
Otoko no Kosodate theme song Labels: Downloads, Jdrama, Jpop, w-inds. | 18 comments»
Japanese new drama "Otoko no Kosodate" will be broadcasting on the 26th October 2007 this season. It's not really a drama that I'm interested in but as for the theme song for "Otoko no Kosodate" will be w-inds. new single "Beautiful Life" song.
w-inds. first song appearing as a theme song for a t.v drama which means more promotion for "Beautiful Life" and I hope by having this song as a theme song for a drama boost up the sales.
The song "Beautiful Life" is already been broadcast on the radio and the radio version of the mp3 has been flowing through the net. My comment of the the radio version of "Beautiful Life" is that it's a fast pace and relaxing song.
The first listen didn't really hit into me, but it's catchy once it's been repeated. I also hope the PV would be something new that w-inds. never have done before just like "LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING".
Download Link of the song: http://www.zshare.net/audio/4433921a91f1b9/
at 4:27:00 pm
Nishijima Takahiro star in new film Labels: AAA, J-Movie, Nishijima Takahiro | 1 comments»
Nissy from AAA is starring in Sion Sono's new film "Ai no Mukidashi". Nissy has acted on stage and in a television drama and this would be his first time acting in a movie.
The story is an original script by Sono. Nissy plays Yu, a young man with a penchant for peeping. He lives with his father, a Catholic priest Atsuro Watabe). By chance, he meets a woman named Yoko (Hikari Mitsushima) and falls in love with her, but she and her family have become involved in a new religious cult. As a result, Yu ends up in a conflict against that cult.
It is said that this role is difficult but Nissy commented that he is looking forward to it in learning experience.
The filming will start this month and said to be release in early summer 2008. Sono is aiming to take "Ai no Mukidashi" to festivals next year, including Cannes and Venice.
I'll be looking forward to Nissy's first movie.
Sunday, 21 October 2007 at 11:32:00 am
LIFE is awesome! Labels: Jdrama | 6 comments»

When Ayumu finally has 2 friends by her side I was so happy because at least there's someone which will stick up for her.
I really hate that guy Katsumi, he's two faced. Actually him and Manami is two faced.
When I was watching LIFE I was thinking "What does these students think they're doing?" Isn't Manami scared that she might kill Ayumu while bullying her? Well... Obviously she's doesn't even care as her father is rich and think she could do anything.
The part where she order Akira to capture Ayumu and Hatori was like seriously wanting to kill them two.
I was like "YEAH!" when Ayumu starts to fight back.
LIFE is really good, can't believe I cried while watching it.
Sunday, 14 October 2007 at 8:38:00 pm
w-inds.+Keita new releases Labels: Jpop, Tachibana Keita, w-inds. | 1 comments»
Finally w-inds. is releasing another single, this time their single is called "Beautiful Life". It seem like a mid tempo song something similar to "Shiki" or "Hanamuke". The single will release on the 7th November.
Not only w-inds. will release another single but Keita Tachibana will also release his 3rd single, name title is not confirmed yet but the release date is on the 5th December.As usual I'll be looking forward to these 2 releases.
More details of w-inds. new single "Beautiful Life"
w-inds.2007年11月7日発売 NEW SINGLE
「Beautiful Life」ABC・テレビ朝日系列 10/26スタート 毎週金曜日21:00~
「オトコの子育て」主題歌テーマソング (主演:高橋克典 、 国仲涼子、小泉孝太郎 他)
M1: Beautiful Life
作詞:shungo./作曲:Samuel Waermo/Mimmi Waermo/Pontus Soderqvist/編曲:Koma2 Kaz
M2:Space Drifter
作詞:shungo./作曲:Philippe-Marc Anquetil/Christopher Lee-Joe/Paul"Charlie"Brown/編曲:Koma2 Kaz
M3:I'm a Man
作詞:shungo./作曲:Hiten Bharadia/Aisling Stephenson/編曲:Koma2 Kaz
M4: Beautiful Life(Instrumental)
※DVD内容(約14分)・・・Jacket Shooting、Making & Interview
Monday, 8 October 2007 at 5:32:00 pm
Finishing up Summer Jdramas Labels: Jdrama | 0 comments»
Since it's the holiday for me I've been finishing up the summer jdramas that I left off because of homework. I'll talk about it one by one.
First off Tantei Gakuin Q, the ending was good and Kyuu manage to trust Ryu all the way till the even if the other Q class members have doubts about him. What I thought about Pluto death was kind of like "he died so quick" sort of thought. It's like he couldn't affect Ryu in being to his side and then he meet Dan-san and then he died. Sort went too quick on how he died. But I wouldn't want them to make it long cause I don't want to watch him. So it was all cool. I also like the ending how there's kind of a love triangle going on between Kyuu, Megu and Ryu.
Hotaru no Hikari, there isn't a lot of plot in this drama but it's very enjoying and funny to watch. But I got bored towards the end and skipped the 2nd last episode and went straight to the last episode. So I didn't get why Makoto and Hotaru ended up living together after Makoto saw her "dry fish" look. The ending was ok, I didn't expect Makoto and Hotaru to end up together. I rather enjoy watching Hotaru and Buchou together and the kiddy fights they have.
Although at the end they both confessed they liked each other, but it would be hard to imagine a sweet scene between them. So it ended with a kiddy argue which I thought it was cute.
That's the only two I finished up, now I'm in the middle of finishing Hanazakari no Kimitachi e. Many people might say the Japanese version is better than the Taiwanese version, but for me I like the Taiwanese version more. I'm finding in the Japanese version there's a lot of unnecessary scenes which I find it stupid. Such as the treasure hunting, the school is about to close, and the beach challenge. I don't find it a lot of the part are funny, I'm just not enjoying this as much as I enjoyed the Taiwanese version.
I want to talk about LIFE since I've watched 3 episodes. It's so intense and getting way interesting. In episode 3 the girls started to bully Ayumu, gosh! Those bitches thinks they can rule the world. I just want to slap them when they think they can just gang up on anyone they want. I feel so sorry for Ayumu who tried really hard to cope with everyone but ended up being bullied by those girls. And I hate Ayumu's mother for not caring her daughter's feeling and just look at her marks.
I still got LIFE, Jotei and First Kiss to watch. But need to finish downloading the episodes. I guess LIFE will be my next one to finish after Hanazakari no Kimitachi e then coming next is Jotei and First Kiss. If there aren't much coming up season jdramas I want to watch then I might watch Yama Onna Kabe Onna since I've the first episode and I really enjoyed it.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007 at 2:04:00 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NISSY! Labels: AAA, Jpop | 5 comments»
Today the 30th September is Nissy (Takahiro Nishijima) member from AAA 21st birthday!

Sunday, 30 September 2007 at 12:38:00 pm
AAA 5th ATTACK! Labels: AAA, Jpop | 1 comments»

Finally there's some photos on AAA's 5th Attack concert!
I must say they all look HOT!
It's so different since it's held in Boudokan, the stage looks very grand, they had a lot more costume compare to 4th Attack.
My favorite costume in 5th Attack is the white one and coming second is the blue one which reminds me of Pepsi.
Nissy's red costume looks really....eh... I don't know what to say. Weird, I guess. What's with the red feather on the head? I wonder if they were singing RED SOUL while wearing the RED costume. And one photo of Nissy holding Misako up (w00t! Nissy&Misako).
I think Shuta loves wearing caps now, but Shuta looks hella hot and with one photo where his shirt was unbutton.
I really like their AAA shirt, I wish I could get one. But too bad, this is one disadvantage living in Australia.
Okay enough babbling, download all 26 photos of 5th Attack now!
Saturday, 29 September 2007 at 10:47:00 pm
AAA "AROUND" Album Labels: AAA, Jpop | 19 comments»
I was just uploading this album, AAA - AROUND, on my website which just officially released today. While I was writing a little review on the website I find that I had a lot to comment on but I didn't want to make it so long on the website so I had to cut down on words.
Firstly, I really like this album. The songs are great including the new and old songs. Not going to say anything about the old songs because there's no point.
2 new songs which I'm most anticipated to listen to was "Deai no Chikara II" and "Saigo no kotoba".
Why "Deai no Chikara II"? Not hard to answer because the 1st one was one of my favorite song and also sang by my favorite pairing Nissy & Misako.
At least after listening to "Deai no Chikara II" it's not a disappointment, although the song didn't get into me at first heard but got addicted to it after few more listen.
Why "Saigo no Kotoba"? After watching their short movie CM I'm in love with this song, AAA doesn't have a lot of ballad songs and I must say this one is the best one apart from "Bokura no te". I was happy to see Shuta getting more lines and even Shinjiro has more lines too, too bad I didn't hear much of Hidaka. Shuta's voice is getting better and better, he has more control of his voice even though I don't if he can sing this well during lives. As for Shinjiro's voice I still find his voice lacking a bit of power, singing ballads wouldn't be a problem but it does show when singing a more powerful and fast beat song.
"Paradise Paradise" wasn't bad, the first verse was okay but after Hidaka's rapping I started to get bored of the song. So I don't really have much to say about this song.
Everybody "Body Talker" would be a sexy song but even though it disappointed them it's not a problem with me. Because the song is really catchy and awesome, there's no particular parts I like I just like the whole song! This song is definitely one of the song that I would love to see them performing live (hope they do in their 5th Attack).
Lastly, "Red Soul", the 2nd verse wasn't that special and I like the first verse more. I hope they soon perform a live of this, I want to see their dance more clearly.
Finally, if you're interested in downloading this album please visit my website which is http://www.thacmhouse.co.nr/
Wednesday, 19 September 2007 at 6:29:00 pm
MTV Student Voice Award (w-inds.) Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 0 comments»
I was excited when I found the performance on the MTV Student Voice Award because it's one of the performance that I so wanting to see.Even though some people might get sick of Keita wearing those type of hats but I loving it. Because Keita rarely wear hats and these type of hats really suit him which makes him even hotter (to me). But he seem like a bit of MJ which he is covering his eyes with the hat, is that really possible for him to dance on the stage? Because I have a hat like that and I tried putting it really down and it annoys the hell out of me.
While the end of LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING Keita did this "HOT" thing that I was like "o_O~WOW!" I was thinking that the audience was rather calm about it, if it was the HK or Taiwanese fans I guess that are screaming already.He was sliding his right hand down to his thighs. It might nothing special but I find that hot.
Monday, 17 September 2007 at 9:51:00 am
Nobody Knows Labels: J-Movie | 0 comments»
Times before I wanted to watch this movie "Nobody Knows" that was released in 2004 but only until 2 days before I got to watch it. The main actor Yuya Yagira has won his first movie award from this movie. I must say he acted really good in this movie. The storyline is adapted to a real life situation where the mother has left 4 children of hers in an apartment. The children suffer once when they reached to the stage of no money and they their water was cut which make them carry water from the park to home.
To me the story does go a bit slow, boring but interesting.
Akira the older child which is only 12 portraits a very mature and caring brother which touched the hearts of the audience.
I didn't expect someone to die in this movie and not have expected the one who died is Yuki. She's so adorable but she died because she fell off from a chair. It was sad but that part didn't touched me at all. If it was Akira who died I would have cried because the siblings all rely on Akira if he's gone then the situation they are in are more worst. But maybe the true story is like that, I don't know at all.
I thought this movie was great but a bit slow and boring.
Thursday, 13 September 2007 at 9:50:00 pm
Shirtless Keita Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 3 comments»
I am just a typical fangirl so my reaction when seeing this photo is the same as other fangirl. Yes, finally a photo on the shirtless Keita Tachibana who constantly taking his shirt off in Tours. Ageha Tour was his first time taking his shirt off and then he did it again during THANKS but during that time there wasn't any photos or videos shown, I only know about it because all the fans who went was talking about and was saying how sexy Keita was. Now I finally get to see it, I must agree, KEITA IS ULTRA SMEXY! His body is really fit and toned compare to his old self and I love this body of his just don't over do it at times.I can't really imagine Keita shirtless and dancing on stage, it makes me think of the Johnny's members how they always do it whether they are skinny or not.
Lucky Keita only do it on tours and not in magazines because then it makes no difference with the Johnny's members. Keita seriously need to show his fit body more but please only in photo album.
I saw a bit of the Journey Tour from news clips, this year it seem like another great concert. It was also announced that w-inds. will be going to Taiwan this year again to open an tour.
I'm really jealous of the Taiwanese fans, they get to see w-inds. too much! I'm looking forward to the Journey DVD.
Monday, 3 September 2007 at 4:11:00 pm
EGU-SPLOSION Labels: dance | 2 comments»
I could never get sick of the SUPER CHAMPLE videos that I downloaded, I can just keep watching them again and again.
I found a group that I started liking called EGU-SPLOSION, it consist of 4 guys dancing to Freestyle. They all have the skills and their performance is entertaining.
Also the two young guys SHO-1 and Obarayoshio is pretty cute but I find Obarayoshio is more cute. Apparently EGU-SPLOSION is getting more and more popular in Japan, I guess there's a lot of dance crew in Japan are getting attention, unlike in Australia I don't see any (maybe I don't know any) but never mind. I hope EGU-SPOLSION gets invited to Australia just like how ISSOP & OHASHI, UMIN and Hitori de Dekirumon did in Dancekool Vol.18. I'm still angry at myself for missing that wonderful event which so many dancers that I admire.
Saturday, 1 September 2007 at 1:42:00 pm
Jpop Music Downloads Labels: Downloads, Jpop | 5 comments»
It's time to post some Jpop music downloads again.
Sifow - Natsu Hanabi
SS501 - Kokoro
SHOWTA - Kimi ni, kaze ga fukimasu you ni
Utada Hikaru - Beautiful World/Kiss&Cry
Nakashima Mika - LIFE
That's all for now! Find more Jpop music to download at thaCMhouse
Thursday, 23 August 2007 at 7:50:00 pm
RED SOUL PV Labels: AAA, Jpop | 0 comments»
OMG! The PV of RED SOUL is released! In the process of downloading it my heart was beating so fast as I was reading a bunch of comments from people who already have seen it. I was so excited about what this PV would be like.
I love the song so much as it's in the style of Let it beat! and BLOOD on FIRE. And are they meant to be vampires? I didn't get this message while watching the PV until I was reading comments from the forum. But vampires are COOL! Also red + black = vampire!
They just need to be more of a vampire. Too bad there's no plot in this PV, like a vampire storyline would be SO so cool! Seeing them sucking bloods? That would be awesome!
I realised that Shuta is getting more shots, so far this PV is the most shots he got. Although every shots only last 1 or 2 seconds but he showed up every then and now. But the bad thing is that there aren't as clear as the others, it was kind of hard to see his face. But overall I think Shuta is getting more and more cooler.
Shinjiro has very scary glowing eyes in some scene. But he's cool! Plus he got more shots than Naoya, Hidaka and Chiaki did (not something to be surprised at since he is popular amongst the girls).
They need to show more of Chiaki because she's being really hot in the PV. Hope the full version has more shots of her.At last which I cannot not mention is my lovely Nissy! He's not being much of himself in this PV. Usually he's the one who has the really hype up mood or smiling a lot. But he was rather calm and... cold? Yes his expression was a little cold, but he's still HOT! That expression.... I love it!
Friday, 17 August 2007 at 4:01:00 pm
The Rock Incident Labels: AAA, Jpop | 6 comments»
For people who didn't take notice of "The Rock Incident" that happened to AAA. Recently AAA went to Otakon 2007 at Baltimore, America to perform. While they were there to leave memories they graffiti a rock and the photo was posted on Chiaki's blog. Then later on some stupid nature loving people decided to make such a big deal about it and complained. The complain reached to Avex and on the AAA official website they even announced an apology and have deleted Chiaki's post. When I first heard it I thought it was such a small matter and since AAA apologized on their official website everything should be fine and over that is why I didn't even bother to make a post here. But I think I need to express my feelings since things are getting worst and worst.
- They got cut off from the 24 hour charity live
- Furuuche cm, AAA got cut
- Fans are bashing Chiaki (and they are really harsh comments)
- Complaining to Avex to "fire" Chiaki
I wonder if this incident will affect on their following releases & events? Like 5th Attack, 2nd Anniversary, RED SOUL single and AROUND album.
I just hope people can stop the HARSH COMMENTS and DROP THIS STUPID TOPIC!

Wednesday, 15 August 2007 at 5:31:00 pm
They received... Labels: Jpop, Tachibana Keita, w-inds. | 5 comments»
Well all know that w-inds. is very popular in Taiwan and that they have been there for 3 times. From the the photo the Taiwanese fans has sent w-inds. a message and w-inds. have received them.
But that is not what I'm trying to talk about, the thing I want to point out is "look at Keita's hair!" He cut it again? It's so short!
For the first time Keita has short short hair, before people says he has a big forehead but he looks completely fine in this photo.
Before I always wanted Keita to try having short short hair like this because he always have long fringe, now that it really happened. I'm not saying he looks bad, actually I think he looks refreshing and not bad with short hair. He looks young again...I love Keita no matter what kind of hairstyle he has...
Monday, 13 August 2007 at 9:30:00 pm
RED SOUL cover Labels: AAA, Jpop | 1 comments»
16th Single "Red Soul"
![]() | 【CD+DVD】 AVCD-31278/8 ¥1,890(税込) <CD収録内容> 1. Red Soul 2. 唇からロマンチカ(大魔王、昭和エレクト浪漫MIX)Remixed by古坂大魔王 3. キモノジェットガール,Remixed by Tomonao Tanaka 4. Red Soul (Instrumental) <DVD収録内容> 1. Red Soul (Music Clip) |
It's old news that AAA is releasing another single called "RED SOUL", but I just checked the official website and the cover for it was released. I love the cover, looks very stylish. All I can see is Nissy and Misako, but don't you think what Nissy is wearing looks familiar? Like something on this photo? I heard the 30sec preview and it sounds really good. It is a similar style of Let it beat! and I'm really glad to listen to this style again. Can't wait for it to be release.
Friday, 10 August 2007 at 9:54:00 am
4th Attack ! Labels: AAA, Jpop | 6 comments»
Last night I watched AAA's 4th Attack Tour, it was a 2 hour concert which was pretty long. So this is my thoughts and feeling after watching another great concert by AAA (I might be focusing on Nishi a lot because he's my favorite).
01. Samurai Heart
So they open with Samurai Heart and not BLOOD on FIRE this time. It's nothing different from their usual performance, the song really brings the tension up for the audience and it was great they had Urata playing the drums just like the live performance they did. The costume they wore was like in the 3rd Attack, a long coat with hoodie. But I like this design more because it's white with gold. Urata had his hoodie on for the whole song while the others took them off right when the music start playing for Samurai Heart. What I didn't like was the camera angles, it swing too much and too fast and made it hard for me to focus.
02. Let it beat!
As usual Let it beat! was awesome! After they finish singing Let it beat! they had a little dance routine going on and the music which played was Samurai Heart remix.
The performance was awesome! It was the best dance corner they had in all of the Attack. Other than group dance each member also get a solo part which was really good because I never seen the girls just dance. The coordination and formation of the dance made the whole dance really awesome.
I love Nishi's solo part, he was the last member to do his solo dance and I love the part at the end when he got kind of aggressive and took off the coat.
03. SHE no Jijitsu
Follow up was SHE no Jijitsu, the only time we get to see this song perform live is during their concerts. I thought it was great to put this song here as it has a nice flow with the previous songs. Again the camera angles annoyed me so much as it moved too quickly.
Everyone introduced themselves, during Shin's introduction he did his usual intro Maido thingy and all the audience responded loudly. After all the introduction, Hidaka began to take to lead to talk about how this live will be filmed for the DVD. More talking was done by Hidaka and Urata but I don't quiet understand.
04. Us
The atmosphere calmed a little bit when performing Us. I don't listen to this song a lot but the live of this performance made me listen to it whenever I'm in front of the computer finding music to blast through the speakers. There was a part of the dance which I find it very similar to the SUNSHINE dance but never mind. In the middle they were doing this bridge thing where the members go through, and there was this Nishi x Misako moment there (I'm a Nishi x Misako supporter).
05. Chewing Gum
All the members disappear only Nishi and Urata was on the stage. They slowly walk up to the 2nd level of the stage and did a little twist and twirl which made a lot of female fans screamed. Then the music for Chewing Gum started playing, there was nothing special about since they just stand there and sang.
From 2nd Attack onwards they have always included a ACT CORNER. I don't understand what the story is about all I understand was 'oba-chan', 'time capsule' and 'time machine' these words. (If anyone know the story please tell me)
The ACT was mainly talking, Shuta, Yukari & Urata sang "Welcome to this world". It was great and I must say that Shuta's voice is nice just that he needs more control.
So more talking was done and Nishi looks totally hot with glasses. They performed "Friday Party" as well nearly the end of the ACT.
After everyone made an excuse to leave the stage only Urata was left and it was his solo. He sang a solo of "Yume no Kakera" and it's a must watch for all the Urata's fans.
07. Champagne Gold Medley (Champagne Gold/ Saikyou Babe/Get or Lose/Soul Edge Boy/Kimono Jet Girl/Champagne Gold)
Champagne Gold, it wasn't a very popular song amongst all the others AAA's songs but somehow after the live performance at 3rd Attack it became a song which everyone cannot forget. And I have to mention this part, Nishi lifted up his shirt and made all the female fans screaming their lungs off, and that was his first fanservice.
All the songs afterward was a euro beat remix, only a few lines of Saikyou Babe was sung. Get or Lose sounds much better to me as in this beat, I thought fastening the beat of it made it sounds even better.
When Soul Edge Boy played the girls was in the 2nd level punching their fists up in the air just like the boys, but I thought the remix of Soul Edge Boy was not as good as the original it kind of lost the original feel.
It was the girls turn again but this time I didn't focus on the girls because the guys at the back was dancing to Kimono Jet Girl which was hilarious. I don't think Urata and Hidaka enjoyed as much as Nishi did. Nishi was practically swinging his hips very freely and was enjoying it so much (I bet he wanted to dance this routine so badly). And to end it Champagne Gold music was played again, but they only did the dance. Hidaka was very jumpy while doing the para para dance while the rest of the members danced normally.
08. Hallelujah
No matter how many times I watch Hallelujah performance I can never get sick of it because all the dance is just too awesome to get sick of.
It's like a dance corner, first half of the performance they did some stick tapping. I made me think they are doing a tribe dancing with all the stick tapping and running in circles. Even though AAA practiced so hard but sorry I have to say that it was pretty boring. Until the music started playing loudly that was the part where it's more interesting as it's more of a hip hop dance rather than a tribe dance. And once again Hidaka showed off his beat boxing skills. During the end part the 3 main lead singer was off the stage and was left with the other 5 members giving them more screen shots.
10. CCC Medley - (Mou Koi Nante Shinai/Be cool!/sure danse/CRAZY GONNA CRAZY)
It started off really nice with Mou Koi Shinai which was sang by the 3 main lead. Right after is Be Cool! the other 5 members show up and this song totally owned by Misako and I love this song even more after watching the performance. Sure danse is one of the performance where everyone screamed. Because it was the partner, sexy dance where they get touchy. Nishi was partner with Chiaki, Misako was partner with Shin & Urata, Yukari was partner with Shuta & Hidaka.
Afterward was the song that they always perform CRAZY GONNA CRAZY. I guess AAA got used to the chanting in names after each lines, so during the lines Nishi sang Misako was chanting "Nishi" along with the audience. And when it's Misako's turn Nishi chanted "Uno-chan" which I thought it sounded really cute! Afterward when it's Urata's part the audience just kept on chanting his name.
Too build up the tension with the audience they made the audience sing "CRAZY GONNA CRAZY" and "LOVE YOU GONNA TAKE YOU" lines.
No idea what they were talking about but they mention about the CM they did. And I saw a few audience waving the Fruit Drink that they were promoting and it seem like it's not the first time they make one of the member to act the CM out. But this time it's Misako's turn "chu-su-ru?". So kawaii! Then Nishi and Hidaka immediately danced around Misako which I found it extremely cute!
11. Get Chuu!
It was expected that they will perform Get Chuu! after since they just performed the CM out.
12. "Q"
"Q" is one of the song where all the audience can dance along with AAA which I find it extremely good about it. And Nishi he stuffed up on the 2nd verse that he forgot the lyric and Urata did a great job trying to fill it up and to jog Nishi's memory up. Nishi's facial expression was so cute at that moment when he stuffed up and Urata's expression was priceless as well.
13. Winter lander!!
I can finally spot the similar dance move as SUNSHINE that one of the member was talking about in the AAA forum. It was the part where they were kind of pointing up, once again the audience danced it that part. And if I was right the rapping part was changed. I think Hidaka changed the lyrics to saying something to the audience.
14. Hurricane Lily Boston Mary (Original long version)
As usual it's a super duper awesome performance! And the audience was great as well with the arm swing move. As this song have been performed a lot of time live, practically the fans know what to do. They don't need to be lead to start the chanting, they already know when to chant.
15. YA-YA-YA
I'm glad they performed this song because I really like this song, nothing was changed in the dance or anything. It's just a old song where everyone is familar with.
16. Climax Jump
I guess the most amusing part was the act, Urata was the hostage and Kame Rider came out to save him. It was so hilarious because none of the AAA members would save him and then Urata walked down and started talking to the other members how they should react and the dorky Urata walked back up as being the hostage.
This is a must perform song as a song was their first single and bring a lot of fame to AAA. As usual it was a powerful performance.
18. Mikansei
It's not Bokura no te this time, they ended with Mikansei. I'm glad to see them performing this live because I really love this song. Right at the end I saw Nishi who had the urge to cry but he kept it in. In the end as uaual they hold hands and Urata shouted "Domo arigatou gozaimasu". Also I love the fact they didn't just went off the stage afterward but actually stayed back and thanked the fans. They all throw their towels out and the audience became crazy about catching it.
Overall this was another great concert by AAA even though I find 3rd Attack is still the best (probably it's the stage that is a lot bigger and they have more space to dance). I'm a little sad that Missile Innovation didn't play for them otherwise the sounds would be a lot better.
There's one I liked in every AAA concert is that other than AAA doing a fantastic job in performing but the reaction on the audience is one major issue for me while watching the concert. Practically the audience chanted every then and now, also dancing along with AAA makes me want to join the crowd as well. I love how some of their dances was for like audience to follow, it's easy and everyone can do it. Just looking at the audience doing the same move amazes me and the scene is awesome.
I'm really excited to see their 5th Attack concert and hope they will bring another awesome performance.
Sunday, 5 August 2007 at 9:42:00 pm
SHOWTA (PV) Kimi ni, Kaze ga Fukimasu youni Labels: Jpop, SHOWTA | 1 comments»
Finally got a copy of this PV, I first saw this PV on his official website. It's nothing special but the song rocks. I was excited to listen to this when I heard the preview on his official website.
And for his style I think I have commented about it before, but anyways he turned into one of those teens that hangs around Harajuku. I really do refer his older hairstyle.
Tuesday, 31 July 2007 at 9:01:00 pm
w-inds. New Releases Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 4 comments»
価格: \2,310[税込]
2003年に発売された「w-inds.meets JUNON」の続編がいよいよ登場!2003年後半から2007年までの記事を再編集したお宝メモリアルブック。中身はセクシーショットにキュートショット、トークは毎回楽屋ノリで大盛り上がり!
価格: \3,150[税込]
発売日:2007/09/05 1枚[組]
[仕様] 封入特典(初回生産分のみ):ポストカード(予定)
好評シリーズ第6弾!今作は20thシングル「ブギウギ66」、21thシングル「ハナムケ」、22thシングル「LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING」の各CLIPとオフショット&メイキングを収録!
According to SHINSEIDO's news this was announced and I'm excited about the w-inds.meet Junon 2 book, because I thought reading a whole lot of interview done by Junon was a great thing. I've been missing their interview all the time and it's such a waste to buy every issue with w-inds. in it. So this is a must buy but without a Chinese version I would not purchase it because it will defeat the main purpose as I don't understand Japanese and the whole thing is practically words and photos. Getting a Chinese version of w-inds. stuff is getting harder and harder for me.
Wednesday, 25 July 2007 at 9:59:00 pm
Music to Download Labels: Downloads, Jpop | 2 comments»
I uploaded these singles for my website, but I would also like to share them here as well.
Lead - UMI [Single]
AAA - Natsumono [Single]
Keita Tachibana - FRIEND [Single]
SHOWTA - Hitoshizuku [Single]
YUI - Can't buy my love [Album]
Virgin Snow OST [Album]
Ok, that's all for now. I might post a few download links once in a while or you can visit my website.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007 at 9:52:00 pm
Jdrama watching now... Labels: Jdrama | 2 comments»
For the Summer 2007 season, currently I'm watching
- Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
- Yamadatarou Monogatari
- Tantei Gakuen Q
- First Kiss
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
Watched the first two episode of it, I had a lot of expectation on this and thought it should be better than the Taiwanese version. But it seem like this version is going too fast, everything just happens without a time period to evolve in it. I don't really see a Sano character in Shun he's just acting cocky. Maki did a good job in playing as Ashiya Mizuki.
Over all, in the 2nd episode I kind of lost interest in Hana Kimi. But I will continue to watch it.
Yamada Tarou Monogatari
I love this drama! I watched the Taiwanese version before and laughed my head off. But this one is not bad as well, even though I don't want Nino as Tarou. I mean Nino and Sho are way off in age for high schooler but I guess they can still pull it off. You maybe say Nino is cute but he doesn't look like the smart type to me (This is just my own opinion).
Tantei Gakuen Q
I like detective dramas, it's always fun to watch. Even though it's pretty easy to guess who's the murder but I still love it. Yamada Ryousuke is so cool, he grow so much since the last time I saw him (which were like years ago). And OMG! I just found out that the one who plays as Kazuma is Wakaba Ryuuya's little brother, no wonder I thought he looked like someone. But sorry Ryuuya is cuter.
Watched two episodes of it, it's pretty good. Showing the dark side of school, friends, and family. Poor Ayumu, have to suffer so much in her life. It's like everything is bad in her life every since she want to enter that high school. And yeah Japanese people make big deal about whether they can enter a good high school that they will commit suicide.
First Kiss
The first episode was ok, I don't why they got such a high rating on this episode. Nothing really much happened except we see how much of a brat Mio is. Because of her sickness she just do whatever she wants. Yuuta is hot in this drama, so I'm going to continue to watch this or I'll just download it and someday I might finish watching it.
Saturday, 14 July 2007 at 7:30:00 pm
thaCMhouse website Labels: Others | 0 comments»
Lately I was busy with building my new website so I didn't post anything up here.
Please visit thaCMhouse!
This website is a little introduction to Asian entertainment things, such as movies, dramas, music, anime and even dance videos.
There are also mini flash games which I found it interesting and direct linked it. It seem like a small website but I worked very hard for it especially the homepage since everything is positioned using pixel I had a great amount of fun with playing numbers for the whole night.
Anyways, hope you all like it ! ! !
Thursday, 12 July 2007 at 11:29:00 pm
2nd on Oricion Ranking Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 1 comments»
First of all congratulation to w-inds., LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING single was ranked 2nd on Oricon. And hope it will not drop.w-inds. have returned to Japan after staying at Hong Kong for 3 days. On the 2nd July they participate in Hong Kong return 10th anniversary commemoration Pop Rock Gala event.
It was a outdoor event even though it rained a bit but audience's tension remain high, w-inds. was the only Japanese artist which performed on the day.
w-inds. performance lasted for 20 minutes, they sang a total of 5 songs which include Top Secret, Crazy for you, Boogie Woogie 66, Shiki and LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING.
Not being bias or anything but all media attention was towards this band w-inds.
During Boogie Woogie 66 because the stage was a bit wet from the rain Ryuichi accidentally slipped and fell even though it was embarrass but he got up and kept on performing.
In the whole event w-inds. were enjoying themselves and showed their friendliness towards Hong Kong 3 man group "Grasshopper".
The next day they attended a conference to receive their awards which they have gotten through the years. Altogether it adds up to 10 awards, interview was also made.
They mainly talked about their first impression of Hong Kong, the food and expressed that they would like to held a concert in Hong Kong. The conference only lasted 35 minutes long and w-inds. had to quickly leave to the airport .
Thursday, 5 July 2007 at 10:44:00 am
The voice of an angel Labels: Jpop, SHOWTA | 0 comments»
Just this afternoon I got hooked up on to this guy, SHOWTA. I clicked on his Hitoshizuku PV randomly on youtube, I thought loading the PV was going to be a waste of my download limits but surprisingly it was worth it. The song was extremely great and his voice is so smothering.
His look and voice is so female like even I had doubts if he was a male or not until I saw comments from people referring SHOWTA as "he".
The song Hitoshizuku has made me interested in SHOWTA, he has released 3 single so far and the 3 single songs becoming my favorite songs. With Hitoshizuka being my favorite out of all, his 4th single Kimi ni, Kaze ga fukimasu you ni will be releasing soon and it has now became one of the single that I'm waiting to be release.
Tuesday, 3 July 2007 at 9:21:00 pm
w-inds. in Hong Kong Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 1 comments»
Yesterday 1st July at 2:35pm the famous hip hop boy band w-inds. have finally first arrived to Hong Kong, on the day there were more than 1000 fans waited at the airport. Lately there's no other artist that could beat how much fans have waited for an artist to arrive. There was a big commotion once w-inds. step out of the gate, the three of them were excitedly happy and kept on waving to the fans. While leaving the airport they stepped on to a small stage to let the reporters and fans take photos. Keita who were extremely high started doing a little dance and immediately all the fans screamed after hearing the crazy scream from fans Keita tension was even higher and putting cute poses.
w-inds. left the airport but fans did not just leave, they had 3 vans awaited outside to continue chasing after their idol. w-inds. will be staying in Hong Kong for 48 hours and today 2nd July they will participate in the 擁抱十周年POP ROCK大派對event as a special guest.
On the 4th July their 22nd single "LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING" will be release, they will also held a promotion event.
EDIT// OMG! I finally found the video where Keita does the dorkiest thing! The dance and posing that I have mention above. But I must say it's so cute! He was so random when he started dancing. And I think Keita dyed his hair brown again, it looks way better than before when he was at the Shrek 3 conference.
Monday, 2 July 2007 at 6:37:00 pm
END OF LAST SEASON JDRAMAS Labels: Jdrama | 3 comments»
The Jdrama series which I watched that were released last season were Proposal Daisakusen, LIAR GAME and Seito Shokun. I didn't watch a lot from last season because it doesn't interest me, even though I wanted to watch Hotelier as it's starring Aya Ueto but the rating was so low and in the end I didn't bother downloading it.
I finished Proposal Daisakusen & Seito Shokun final episode.
First, Proposal Daisakusen the last episode was unexpectedly good it didn't made me have the urge to skip any parts of it. And finally finally Kenzo confessed his love in front of everyone. While watching ep11 I was thinking that it's not really Kenzo's fault that they both couldn't get together earlier, there was some flash back and Kenzo did expressed his feelings a lot of time towards Rei but as they were really close friends Rei just thought Kenzo was fooling around and didn't pay too much attention. It was right, Rei is at fault as well.
So right after Kenzo confessed, Rei thought back a lot of the past with Kenzo and realised that there were many times that Kenzo have hinted that he likes her.
Her heart was easily wobble, right after Kenzo confession she's having doubts about her marrying to Sensei. I really wonder if she ever loved Sensei or maybe she just accepted the marriage because she gave up on Kenzo. But to me I think Rei doesn't even like Sensei at all.
It didn't really show that Kenzo and Rei were together at the end but as Rei ran out of the church chasing after Kenzo, all audience knows that it means they are together. Happy ending? But not for Sensei, he let go of Rei to chase after Kenzo.
Now move on the Seito Shokun, there's really nothing much to talk about this last episode. Everything is predicted, Naoko was saved by Hinata-san but had to transfer to a different school. All the students were crying like she's going to past away or something. Even if Naoko left the school it's not like they will never see each other again at least Julia will see her everyday since she's living with her.
I don't know why, every time I want some romance happening in some Jdrama that I'm watching it will never happen. This one was a pretty normal ending something similar to Gokusen, where Yankumi had to leave and go to another school.
The school that Naoko went to in the end was like a bunch of monkeys there, those type of bad-ass students who just fool around and not dress up properly.
Also about LIAR GAME, heard that the last episode was 2hrs and something and thought there will be a lot of extra scene on Nao-chan and Akiyama-san but it's just a recap of the whole drama. I feel like I'm watching the whole drama again but the difference is that it's not in detail and the scene of the old man is added in. I feel like it's a waste of my time watching the last episode but I didn't want to skip any parts because I might miss parts of the old man where it might be important to knowing more of why he made this game. Nao-chan is so naive! But that is why she is loved and so cute... I knew that there won't be any romance in this drama but I still hoped to see some chemistry between Nao-chan and Akiyama-san. Oh well, it ended like so quickly and not in an excited way.
Right now I'm waiting for the Summer season ones to be broadcast!
Saturday, 30 June 2007 at 10:08:00 pm
LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING PV Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 0 comments»
I didn't know about w-inds. newest PV was released until I came across another blog which the person mention about it. I quickly went to youtube and search for it while the good quality version is downloading at bittorrent.
I seriously wasn't excepting a PV like this, it sure have surprise me and it's something fresh. It's a PV which is filmed so differently from their previous ones.
The whole PV is mainly them running, it looks like the old Nintendo games where it's 2D and the character just runs forward. This does sounds like a boring PV but the most enjoying part is just to see them having fun and relaxing. Like the part where Ryuichi gets left behind because he couldn't keep up with the two and fell down. The chorus part where they start to dance, Ryuichi was not ready and only Ryohei and Keita danced while waiting for Ryuichi to join. And the last part were Ryuichi and Ryohei was down on the floor and Keita was just standing there pointing at them and laughed.
It's a weird PV, they run, jumps around, dance, climbing up the wall, did flips etc. Just looking at them having so much fun just makes you concentrate on the PV and don't want to take a glimpse off the screen.
The only complain I probably have is that it's really hard to get a clear shot of Ryohei and Ryuichi or maybe Keita as well. Most of the shots were small because it's filming them running.
Saturday, 23 June 2007 at 5:17:00 pm
JDRAMAS.... Labels: Jdrama | 0 comments»
I've stopped watching my Jdramas for a while because I got sick of waiting one episode per week thing another reason was I got kind of carried away with different things and lost interests in the Jdramas.
But couple of days ago I started watching a whole lot of episodes of LIAR GAME and Seito Shokun.
I watched from ep4 to ep10, damn it was so great! I'm glad I waited and watch it all at once otherwise I'll be like now so eager to watch ep11 the final one.
Nao lied for the first time!!! HORRAY! I quiet like the round 2 of the game when the losers from round 1 came back for round 2. I got all tensed up while to see who got the most vote and was so worried about Nao for not getting any vote at first. Also like the part where everyone begs to buy her votes.
I wonder if they going to say anything about Nao and Akiyama relation, wonder if they going to get together but I highly doubt it.
Seito Shokun
It's was good that now everyone in the class trust their teacher except for Julia. I was kind of annoyed how everyone didn't trust her and just want to say "Stop thinking about the stupid past and think straight".
I like in ep9 where the part Kohei and Julia went out, it's like a date. I got a feeling that Kohei likes Julia or maybe I'm just thinking to much. There's only an 2 age gap between them, they still look cute together. Wakaba Ryuuya is so cute! I think he's getting some fans out here as I can see him having more parts in dramas.
Seito Shokun is good but it doesn't win against GTO and Gokusen, both GTO and Gokusen have a good plot and humors.
Friday, 22 June 2007 at 11:49:00 pm
SUPER CHAMPLE Labels: dance | 5 comments»
Because I was watching random dancing videos on youtube I found this dance TV show "SUPER CHAMPLE" which is hosted by Da Pump and another female which I don't know her name. They have amazing dancers on the show and through this show I get to watch a lot of amazing dances and know more amazing dancers.
I'm pretty hooked on this guy "Hitori de Dekirumon" he dances Freestyle, every routines on this shows cracks me up. He sure knows how to put humors in his dance routine, and of course his skills are amazing to watch. I just love his footwork, so fast.
Monday, 18 June 2007 at 8:19:00 pm
LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING Labels: Downloads, Jpop, w-inds. | 1 comments»
w-inds. newest single "LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING" will release on the 4th July.
As usual the first press comes with a DVD which contains 10 minutes of Jacket Shooting, Making & Interview.
As Keita is voicing for Shrek 3, this single will also be the theme song for Shrek 3.
While this single is being released they should be in the middle of their "Journey" tour and this single might be sang during one of the tour just like the singles before.
While first time listening to the radio version of "LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING" I didn't like it that much maybe because the key is so high and find that Keita is having difficulties in reaching these high notes. But after repeating it 3 or 4 times the song is starting to get in my head and it's catchy. But I'm really curious how well can Keita sing in lives, especially singing those high notes.
03: 夏祭り
Download (Radio Version)
Tuesday, 12 June 2007 at 8:27:00 pm
Alice Nine Labels: Jrock | 0 comments»
As I have always listen and liked pop groups so I'm surprised that I actually started liking a Jrock group. Which is called "Alice Nine" that consist of 5 members: Shou (Vocal), Hiroto (Guitarist), Tora (Guitarist), Saga (Bass) and Nao (Drums).
I'm always fascinated about Jrock's hairstyle and makeup but because of the music they produce so I'm constantly staying away from Jrock bands.
So when I was bored and randomly going in a forum and start checking things out I came across Alice Nine and I was drawn into their pretty faces.
I thought maybe looking at their faces is enough because I don't want to ruin it when the music is not my type. But if I like the group I should at least listen to what they sound like, so after two days finding out about Alice Nine I went on youtube and looked at their latest PV "JEWEL".Surprisingly the song is not bad and kind of nice when I was listening it the first time on youtube. Then I actually went and find the PV to download, for the 2nd time listening to this song "JEWEL" I guess I'm already loving this song.
So far I have come up with this band Alice Nine are all positive, there's not much things I didn't like about apart from some of their dressing in some photos.
I'll be keeping an eye on them from now on!
Monday, 4 June 2007 at 7:11:00 pm
Paradox PV ~2nd Version~ Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 6 comments»
I'm such a bad fan, I've been a w-inds. fans ever since start of year 2002 up until now. And after 6 years I found out there was actually an unreleased version of Paradox PV, the so call 2nd version. But yeah this version was only released amongst the fan club, so yesterday I mysteriously found it lying around on a Hong Kong w-inds. forum.
At first I thought it was some fan made one and didn't thought it was an official one. So I was so curious and when browsing through that thread. I saw a screen capture of a hand and sparkling sand slipping down.I was like "I got to see this!" I was so frustrated when I couldn't download it off mofile and tried like a billion of times and thank god it worked.
I got really excited to see this unreleased version of Paradox PV, after watching it I am glad they didn't put this as the official one.
Not that I didn't like this unreleased version, it just feel a bit weird when it was filmed outside because in those years all of w-inds. PVs were filmed in an studio.
So this unreleased version was filmed in the desert, walking and dancing around. Nothing really special.
What I really think is the clothing and filming of the PV is not really up to official PV standard. It seem it could done within a day, while the official one is far more better (that is why it's the official).As we all know w-inds. are all mens and not boys anymore, so looking at this "new" PV feels really weird. It's like it brings back memories, memories of how cute they used to be even my brother said they were cute while he watched this PV.
At some time a part of me wish w-inds. were little boys like what they used to be but at some times I'm really happy of what they are now since they all grown a lot and looked extremely hot (yes, Keita I'm mostly referring to you. Sorry I'm bias!).
I just they had more of these but I doubt it. It's like the Trial PV, they had 2 version. One is the one with GOAL footage added in and the other one is without it but it had them painting the sky. I just knew that when I brought works vol.5, and they were so cute painting the sky.
Monday, 28 May 2007 at 9:16:00 pm