For people who didn't take notice of "The Rock Incident" that happened to AAA. Recently AAA went to Otakon 2007 at Baltimore, America to perform. While they were there to leave memories they graffiti a rock and the photo was posted on Chiaki's blog. Then later on some stupid nature loving people decided to make such a big deal about it and complained. The complain reached to Avex and on the AAA official website they even announced an apology and have deleted Chiaki's post. When I first heard it I thought it was such a small matter and since AAA apologized on their official website everything should be fine and over that is why I didn't even bother to make a post here. But I think I need to express my feelings since things are getting worst and worst.
- They got cut off from the 24 hour charity live
- Furuuche cm, AAA got cut
- Fans are bashing Chiaki (and they are really harsh comments)
- Complaining to Avex to "fire" Chiaki
I wonder if this incident will affect on their following releases & events? Like 5th Attack, 2nd Anniversary, RED SOUL single and AROUND album.
I just hope people can stop the HARSH COMMENTS and DROP THIS STUPID TOPIC!

6 Responses to "The Rock Incident" (Leave A Comment)
August 16, 2007 12:08 pm
That seems to be really going over the top. Whoever these people bashing Chiaki are, they need to quit it.
August 16, 2007 12:54 pm
Chiaki wasn't the only person who spraypainted the rock, either... it was vandalized long before that. Of course that doesn't make it acceptable, I guess, but geez...
Chiaki seems so sweet. I wish people would just give it a rest already--there are much, MUCH worse things that she could do, and she doesn't deserve this crap.
August 16, 2007 1:23 pm
im so pissed. who the f*ck are those people who are going on and on about this? is it an english forum or something? i wont be afraid to post there and lash back on their sh*t about chiaki. all chiaki did was post the picture wtf.
and who are those stupid so called fans who told on them anyway? what a bunch of asswipes. calling themselves fans D:
it would be too sad if avex really like make chiaki quit over something maybe even the whole group is involved with. and if that happens and other members dont take responsibility, i would be so pissed at all members >_>
August 16, 2007 9:52 pm
I was really pissed and sad when I got more detail about this rock incident. But now it's going too over I don't want to know anymore of it. It's better off for us TRUE fans who like AAA just to ignore what other people say and continue to support AAA.
Okay, I'm really dropping this and will never comment about it.
September 04, 2007 12:25 am
Man, i am really mad a what people just do to make a bad image of AAA. That's not fair. They are working hard to make a good reputation for their group.
Poor Chiaki, i hope she does not leave the group. She's cute and i love her.
If Avex make her quit, i'm gonna start protesting and sending lots of mail to them requesting to bring Chiaki back to AAA.
This is soo not fair!!!
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