Nobody Knows

Times before I wanted to watch this movie "Nobody Knows" that was released in 2004 but only until 2 days before I got to watch it. The main actor Yuya Yagira has won his first movie award from this movie. I must say he acted really good in this movie. The storyline is adapted to a real life situation where the mother has left 4 children of hers in an apartment. The children suffer once when they reached to the stage of no money and they their water was cut which make them carry water from the park to home.
To me the story does go a bit slow, boring but interesting.
Akira the older child which is only 12 portraits a very mature and caring brother which touched the hearts of the audience.
I didn't expect someone to die in this movie and not have expected the one who died is Yuki. She's so adorable but she died because she fell off from a chair. It was sad but that part didn't touched me at all. If it was Akira who died I would have cried because the siblings all rely on Akira if he's gone then the situation they are in are more worst. But maybe the true story is like that, I don't know at all.
I thought this movie was great but a bit slow and boring.

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