Goth was originally a novel written by Ostu-ichi and was adapted into a manga by Kendi Oiwa. The novel also won the Honkaku Mystery Prize and now it was announced that Goth will be made into a movie. Right up to now I only know that Hongo Kanata will be starring in it.
I started to take a notice of Hongo Kanata every since Prince of Tennis Live, so I'm really looking forward for this movie.
And recently I've manga to download the manga of Goth.
It's one of the type that I'm not interested in, it's about the dark side and weird things. The story is about two high school students: an unnamed male narrator, and a girl named Yoru Morino. Both are fascinated by murder, and end up involved in six different murder mysteries happening in their hometown.
In the manga they have some disgusting scenes, it really turned me off. But luckily it's only a manga it didn't scared me too much.
GOTH - Live Movie Labels: J-Movie, manga | 8 comments»
Tuesday, 4 December 2007 at 10:47:00 pm
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8 Responses to "GOTH - Live Movie" (Leave A Comment)
December 06, 2007 6:44 am
I don't usually like horror stuff, but GOTH is one of my favorite manga. I like the mysterious part of it, and the artwork/shading is really nice; though it seems more like random short stories connected together by the same lead characters.
I can't really see Hongo as the male lead; but he always seems to play the detached male characters, so I guess it works. I'll be looking forward to finding out who the female lead is. XD
December 06, 2007 4:36 pm
he's stolen gomaki's ears :P
January 15, 2008 12:31 pm
here did you hear that Kanata is going to be starring in it? Was it made official that he would be?
April 02, 2008 11:44 pm
I think the name of the main male character is Itsuki Kamiyama
Looking forward 4 the drama!
October 17, 2009 8:43 pm
i read the manga and was really satisfied with the artwork and the characters portrayed in the manga..i cant wait for the movie
December 21, 2009 10:20 pm
i's gonna be a good movie bcoz...i know kanata my love can do anything....^_^
April 12, 2010 4:11 pm
I've read 'goth' manga, very mysterious.
I think kanata hongo could play the male lead character.
I want to see the movie.
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