Received "Journey"

A couple days ago I have received my copy of "Journey". It took me some time to decide whether I should get it now or not.
I usually purchase from Yesasia, but waited for a long time and they still don't have the oversea version of "Journey". I gave up on Yesasia and brought it from ebay.
Somehow now Yesasia doesn't sell much oversea version of w-inds. items, they don't even have the oversea version of "KOE" which I still need to get it.

I really like this album, at first I didn't really like the tracks at the beginning probably I kept on listening it so now I like every song of this album except for one or two which doesn't appeal to me.

I have to say that the fast songs is what capture me in liking w-inds. but in this album I love the ballad songs more. Message, Journey and Milky Way are my favorite.
I also miss Ryohei's and Ryuichi's rapping, it's like I haven't listen to them rap for years. It feels so great to listen to them rap again.

The DVD is only 14mins long which is really SHORT! They should have made it 30mins. A bit longer won't kill, right?
The photos in the CD is so nice! I got the Ryuichi sticker even though I really want the Keita one.


2 Responses to "Received "Journey"" (Leave A Comment)

Anonymous says
April 07, 2007 9:48 am

Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog ne ^^
about w-inds. are invited to go to MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS JAPAN 2007..
I don't know why they don't perform... But that's what I read in a forum called Keifa (You can see the link in my blog)
Too bad they don't perform ne..
But let's hope they will get any awards! XD

Choco-late says
April 07, 2007 12:59 pm

Yes! I want to see their performance especially at these kind of events. Because it's always different from the other live performance.