I don't understand how people get this single so quick, but I already found the single of Get Chu!/SHE no Jijitsu floating around on the internet.
Both of these songs aren't that long around 3mins plus long.
Now there's only the full PV to be waiting *excited*
I want to see the full version of SHE no Jijitsu so badly. I'm so drawn in by their sexiness & wildness. But of course I want to see Get Chu! full PV as well *jumps around*
Both of these songs aren't that long around 3mins plus long.
Now there's only the full PV to be waiting *excited*
I want to see the full version of SHE no Jijitsu so badly. I'm so drawn in by their sexiness & wildness. But of course I want to see Get Chu! full PV as well *jumps around*
The Samurai Heart remix version sounds pretty good as well, except that when I put the song on repeat it kinds of annoyed me after a while. I prefer the original.

In order to collect the photo booklet, Get Chu! & SHE no Jijitsu PV you have to buy 3 copies of it. Avex sure knows how to rip money off the fans, but they did a pretty good job on it because it is very tempting.
Single DL link: http://www.mediafire.com/?frh3zntaqva
6 Responses to "Get Chu!/SHE no Jijitsu Single" (Leave A Comment)
April 15, 2007 1:27 pm
wow thanks for this! :O i think u will be my source of AAA new media from now on xD
April 15, 2007 4:01 pm
You can't say that, we're just sharing AAA things to each other.
April 17, 2007 5:59 am
I'm... meh? On this single. ROFL I dunno, SHE no Jijitsu hasn't really grown on me, and I keep on thinking I'm going to get sick of Get CHU!
I still can't wait for high quality SnJ PV though. *nods*
April 17, 2007 12:13 pm
Hihi! I thought seeing as you commented on my blog, I'd come here haha. I kinda dunno what that.... SHE thingy is... or anything else there for that matter, but oh well. You know, next time we should try meet up in Sydney XD I come... whenever I can. (Living about 4 hrs away).
April 18, 2007 9:07 pm
I'm shinobu
I'm AAA's fans ,too.
I lived in Taiwan^_^
Can I make a friend with you?
I have a website,too.
Can I link you?
love AAA very much:)
July 11, 2008 9:52 pm
it's a great song..^.^
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