SUGAR releasing their first CD

タイトル:SUGER ~「廃墟に咲く花」CDリリースイベント~日時2007年03月28日(水)料金:¥2000(CD引き換え・1ドリンク付き)1回目 13時00分/13時30分2回目 17時00分/17時30分
チケットの発売日など詳細が決定したらお知らせさせていきます。楽しみにしていて下さい。今回は限定1000枚のみの発売で、収録曲は公演のテーマソングにもなっている☆廃墟に咲く花、その他に☆恋のプロモーション☆MY FAVORITEの3曲を収録予定です

SUGAR from Caless is releasing their first CD, not that I'm a fan of them. But I'm just anger that they are actually releasing an CD before Dash!
I personally like Dash! more, because they are really cute and their songs are better than SUGAR.
Maybe Dash! are still young and they have to study so I guess they have to put this aside.
There's been actually no news from Dash! ever since their last Heavy Rhythm live. I really wish Dash! debut soon, really want to listen a CD version of their songs.
Well... I don't think I will have a chance to listen to SUGAR CD.

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