What about glasses? Other than that it's for peoples with poor eye sight but it also became a fashion. People not only wearing them for their need but for the looks of it.
If bishonen wears them I think I would look at them more.
But don't you think it's kind of refreshing to see bishonen wears glasses when they normally don't wear it.
To me I think guys who wear glasses for fashion are kind of attractive (sometimes it depends how they look when they wear glasses, not all guys fitted to wear glasses)
Doesn't it seem once they wore glasses they look more.... like a gentlemen (that's the only word I could think of)
I've seen a lot of Koreans wear glasses but not a lot of Japanese, most of the pretty boys wear them at least.
I don't when but it seem like the thick black frame glasses has been in fashion, and yes I prefer pretty guys wearing those glasses.
I remember when peoples are my school talks about nerds, they first impression is that they have to wear glasses.
To me I just think guys are hotter when they wear glasses if they usually don't wear them.
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