LeadNew Maxi SingleDrive Alive2007.3.14 On Sale初回盤: DVD付2枚組:PCCA-02429 ¥1,575(tax in)通常盤: 生写真1枚(全5種類/期間限定):PCCA-02430 ¥1,260(tax in)1.Drive Alive(日本テレビ系 「歌スタ!!」 3月の“お題歌”) 2.GET DIZZY3.Love&Everything4.Drive Alive-Instrumental-初回盤に 「Drive Alive」プロモーションビデオ&メイキング映像を収録したDVD付。通常盤は期間限定でオリジナル生写真1枚(全5種類)を封入。
I can't believe that I just saw this news. Ever since Summer Madness I've lost contact with Lead.
I know they have been on some TV show cause I've seen photos, but I never actually saw the video.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to Lead's new single "Drive Alive".
The cover looks great!
I think Keita look mature a lot and Shinya always look as great as usual, epsecially when he's wearing a hat/cap.
I missed Lead so much, I used to really like them and kept update with them but now I'm completely like a newbie towards them.
I'm totally looking forward to the PV and songs!
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