Here's my current favorite top 5 cute guys. (Gomen Keita, even though you used to be the cutest guy I ever liked but now you do not belong to this category. But you are still cute just that your looks aren't.)
1. Nishijima Takahiro (AAA)
I love him so much! He got the cutest smile ever seen.
2. Aiba Hiroki
He's so cute in "Smile for you".
3. Koike Teppei (WaT)
Ever since I saw him in Gokusen 2, I've been keeping an eye on him.
4. Changmin (DBSK)
He's my favorite in DBSK, no reason.
5. Kim Ki Bum (Super Junior)
I don't know much about him, but I just thought he looks the cutest in Super Junior
Current top 5 cute guys Labels: fangirling | 0 comments»
Wednesday, 28 February 2007 at 11:26:00 pm
UVERworld Labels: Jpop | 0 comments»
I never liked Jrock or rock before, but thought I should give it a try and after watching a mini live by Miyavi I stayed away more.
I have received a major head ache after that mini live, I didn't know if he was singing or screaming.
I would never want to listen Jrock now unless it's a nice ballad.
Pop rock is probably more suitable for me as many Western band have that style, there was a time where I was hooked to Orange Range songs because of Shanghai Honey that I heard from watching "Orange Days".
But I got over Orange Range because I didn't get update of their releases or maybe they didn't release anything.
I downloaded a bunch of UVERworld PVs long time ago, the PV I saw was "D-tecnolife" I as introduced by the forum that I used to go a lot.
They are a pop rock band and I really liked that song. So from then on whenever I see a link to download their PVs I would download it.
But after watching it once or twice I just left it there and never touched it again.
Lately I've been watching/listening to those PVs that I downloaded long time ago. What I realise is that their songs is really beautiful, even though all their PVs were kind of the same. The sounds of hearing 'real' music is really different from those synthesed by machine. But I still like listening to HipHop and R&B type.
I only have a few PVs from UVERworld, but now I'm trying to find their album and try listening their songs apart from the single ones.
Shouldn't be that disappointing, right?
Monday, 26 February 2007 at 9:02:00 pm
"Delicious Gakuin" Labels: AAA, Aiba, Jdrama | 0 comments»
As you can see this is a new drama called "Delicious Gakuin" starting from April and 13 episodes altogether.
The news was released some time but I just checked out on the casting.
Out of all the upcoming releases drama, this one would be my most anticipated drama.
Why? Because it has my 2 favorite guys, they are Nishijima Takahiro and Aiba Hiroki. (Even though I love AAA, gomen Shinjiro)
It's like a dream that they would go together filming an drama. It is too rare that they have two of my favorite starring in a drama.
Even though Nishi isn't the main but at least Aiba-chan is the main character. But I really hope Nishi have lots of parts in it because I see his name at the front in websites when listing the casting.
Aiba Hiroki as Takasugi Rin
Nishijima Takahiro (AAA)
Atae Shinjiro (AAA)
Nagayama Takashi
Kawai Ryunosuke
Nakagauchi Masataka
Shiozaki Airu (IRE)
Amano Hironari (Club 7)
Shirosaki Jin
Kind of surprise to know that 5 of them have casted in Tenimyu before. This really shows that Tenimyu can get you famous. At least this is how Aiba-chan gets popular.
I see a lot of hot guys in this drama, it's gotta be aiming for girls.
Hope April comes faster so I could see this drama with Nishi & Aiba-chan.
Sunday, 25 February 2007 at 9:23:00 pm
[Pic] w-inds. Junon April 2007 Labels: Images, Jpop, w-inds. | 0 comments»
Hot! Hot! Hot!
Especially Keita... But Keita's hair has grown a lot since the last time he cut it. I don't really like him with curly hair, prefer him have straight hair.
The pic where Keita drinking from the tap is SMEXY!
While looking at the thumbnail at the 2nd pic of Ryuichi, there's a second that I thought it would Keita.
Ryohei looks cool, but I really hope he shave his beard. I know I've heard something about him not shaving it because of some reason. But I really don't like the Ryohei with beards.
Saturday, 24 February 2007 at 2:10:00 pm
w-inds. & Lead on Yahoo Live Talk Labels: Jpop, Lead, w-inds. | 0 comments»
This must be the moment that all fans anticipated and crazy over it.
The dream of most fans have come true. Not only local fans are excited but all fans around Asia are also excited about it.
First time in history.
On March 8th w-inds. and Lead will be attending Yahoo Live Talk together, it is excited to see what will happen there.
They debuted in 2001, their first released album "1st Message" immediately reached 1st in the Oricon chart.
On the same year they have received the Best Newcomer Award in Japan Record Award. Afterward they kept on receiving awards and was participated in the NHK Kouhaku.
Not only w-inds. is popular in Japan but also in other Asia countries especially Taiwan.
w-inds. is probably the most popular Jpop artist in Taiwan.
Lead are Hiroki, Shinya, Keita and Akira.
They are a 4 man hip hop group, each one of them sing and dance.
In 2002 they released their first single "Manatsu no Magic" and on the same year they have received the Best Newcomer Award in Japan Record Award.
Afterward they have participated in many movies, dramas and TV shows.
They youthness, energetic performance and their cute-ness have caught every fans attentions.
at 1:50:00 pm
w-inds. Mega-Mix Album Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 0 comments»
01. w-inds. Single Mega-Mix
Music by: UTA,USK TRAK,MANABOON,Ryosuke Imai for TinyVoice,Production
02. Forever Memories
Lyrics/Music by: Hiroaki Hayama
03. Feel the Fate
Lyrics/Music by: Hiroaki Hayama
04. Paradox
Lyrics/Music by: Hiroaki Hayama
05. Another Days
Lyrics/Music by: Hiroaki Hayama
06. Because of you
Lyrics by: Shungo, Music by: Kazuhiro Hara
07. New Paradise
Lyrics/Music by: Hiroaki Hayama, New Lyrics by: Kentaro Akutsu
08. SUPER LOVER~I need you tonight~
Lyrics by: shungo. / Giorgio Vanni / Massimo Longhi, Music by:Giorgio Vanni,Massimo Longhi, Haya10
09. Love is message
Lyrics by:Kentaro Akutsu, Music by:Moz, Hayabusa
10. Long Road
Lyrics by: Shungo, Music by: 松本良喜, 中野定博
11. Pieces
Lyrics by: MASAYA/IGOR, Music by: MASAYA, Yoshihiro Toyoshima
12. Kireida
Lyrics/Music by: sukimaswitch
13. Shiki
Lyrics/Music by: Hiroaki Hayama
14. Yume no Basho he
Lyrics/Music by: Kiyohito Komatsu
15. Kawari yuku sora
Lyrics/Music by: Kiyohito Komatsu
16. Izayoi no Tsuki
Lyrics by: Shungo, Music by: Ryoki Matsumoto
17. Yakusoku no Kakera
Lyrics by: Kiyohito Komatsu, Music by: Ryoki Matsumoto
18. It's in the Stars
Lyrics by: shungo, Music by: Lasse Andersson, Thomas Thornholm
Lyrics by: Shungo, Music by: Hiroo Yamaguchi
20. Boogie Woogie 66
Lyrics by: Takamitsu Shimazaki, Satori Shiraishi, Music by: Satori Shiraishi
21. Hanamuke
Lyrics by: shungo.,Thomas Gustafsson, Hugo Lira, Simon Perry, Music by: Thomas Gustafsson, Hugo Lira, Simon Perry
22. w-inds. Single Mega-Mix(Radio Edit Version)
Music by: UTA,USK TRAK,MANABOON,Ryosuke Imai for TinyVoice,Production
23. Forever Memories
24. Try your emotion
25. SUPER LOVER~I need you tonight~
26. Kireida
27. Boogie Woogie 66
28. Fire Flower
Lyrics/Music by: Kentaro Akutsu
I don't understand why they would remix some songs twice, w-inds. have plently of other good songs.
Anyway, I'm so excited and scared at the same time.
I'm excited because I could listen to a remix and it would be totally different from the original.
I'm scared because what if it's not nice after they remixed it. Just like the "Buddies" album, the remixes really disappointed me.
The song that I most want to listen to is "Fire Flower", it's the first time being recoreded on CD. Before I heard it at Ageha Tour, it was really jumpy seeing how all the audiences reacted.
The cover is simple and nice. They have a light printed of all the covers on the W logo.
I guess that peace W look a like logo represent w-inds. now.
28 songs, it's probably the most songs in w-inds. album before. I wonder if it would include an DVD?
Hopes it's not too expensive!
Wednesday, 21 February 2007 at 5:15:00 pm
wFL, what happened? Labels: Jpop, Lead, w-inds. | 2 comments»
wFL used to be very popular, but what happened to them in these years?
In 2001 a new boy band which is not from JE debuted, they were w-inds. under Vision. It was probably refreshing since they hada totally different style compared to the JE boys.
With their first single "Forever Memories" they have quickly gained fame. When they released their 1st album "1st Message" it quickly topped the Oricon chart and position on first place.As they stayed in this music industry their popularity have gained a lot, people started to see their own talent and soon w-inds.was recognised by this music industry.
While Vision see that w-inds. getting more and more popular, Vision gathered more boys to create another two boy band.
In 2002 two boy band from Vision FLAME & Lead debuted. FLAME debuted before Lead did, as it was another boy band and it's under Vision, FLAME popularity grew instantly with their first single "Mune no Kodou". Later around 2002 September another boy band name Lead debuted, their first single "Manatsu no Magic". As Lead debuted during the time when
w-inds. is having their "1st Message" live tour, Lead was the opening guest for the tour. This was a great chance to promote Lead and since Lead and w-inds. is under the same company most fans are fans of w-inds. & Lead.
See that the wFL are now popular, Vision decided to use this to get more money. First of all w-inds. FLAME & Folder 5 sang a song "World Needs Love" together for the Japanese soccer tournament.After that wFL released an remix album "Buddies", but I guess the selling wasn't that great despite that the remixes aren't that great.
As the Taiwanese loves Japaneses stuff, wFL started to get recognised in Taiwan. Their popularity are amazingly big and probably the most famous Jpop artist in Taiwan.
Seeing that wFL gotten more and more famous in Taiwan, to let the fans in Taiwan see their idols the show "Factory Generation" was made."Factory Generation" is a TV show that features w-inds. FLAME and Lead once per week, it clearly films what they have been doing lately and talks.
But unfornately this show only lasted for 2 seasons because the amount of peoples uploading it online and selling it over the internet.
Vision had a big fist about the copyright and stuff. So the show was put off even though a lot of fans complained about it.
During 2004 Vision annouced that Kaneko Kyohei from FLAME is leaving the group, due to this announcement fans were assuming FLAME would be disbanded. But a new member Seigo Noguchi was replaced, even though a new member was placed in and the fanswere happy because FLAME is not disbanding, but FLAME was not how it used to be.
With Kyohei as the vocal of FLAME, since he left the main vocal has been given to Yusuke and Hisato the two twins.
After Seigo joined in, they had a FC event. While singing back the old songs, Kyohei's part was replaced by either Yusuke orHisato and the song has changed to a different feeling.
The first single of the new FLAME "Shake you down" was released during February 2005, continuing their hip hop style. After the "Shake yoy down" single FLAME has been 'going their own way'. With Yu and Seigo filming a drama "Star Light" and Yusuke as radio show host.
FLAME has became pretty dead, seeing that there's no news from FLAME many fans moved on with another group. Slowly the popularity of FLAME decreased. Even though FLAME has released a single "Hanashitakuhanai" during November 2006, a theme song for anime "Marginal Prince".
The PV has disappointed many long-a-waited FLAME fans as the PV seem poorly made. The single didn't get FLAME popularity rise again.
wFL, F was gone and now only w-inds. and Lead survived in this music industry. Lead was also starting to lose their popularity, the times they have performed live have decreased in these past 2 years. After their 4th album "4" released during July 2006, they had their 3rd tour concert "Upturn 2006 - 4".
Probably after the concert fans has slownly lose hold of what's happening to Lead. They might be on some TV shows but just reminding everyone that oversea fans won't have a chance to watch them on TV show.
So what's left is w-inds.
w-inds. is the only all time popular group, although throughout these years their popularity have been going up and down but they were never a time where there's completely no news from w-inds.
As w-inds. release a single regularly, they have kept their popularity evenly. But in 2006 there was a big change, Vision announcement that Tachibana Keita from w-inds. will go on solo. This has scared many of the fans thinking that w-inds. would probably end up in FLAME situation, with Keita leaving the group.
If the main vocal Keita left what's there left for w-inds.?
But seeing w-inds. popularity so high at that time, Vision would not risk the chance to let Keita leave the group.
Seeing the talent in Keita Vision gave a chance to Keita to create his own music world, releasing his first solo single "Michishirube" which is written by Keita. The song quickly jumped to top 10 of Oricon chart. To not let this 'Keita wave' stop, no longer after the single he released an album "KOE" including 8 new songs written by himself.
Many fans were proud of Keita seeing he has such talents to write such beautiful lyrics. Keita's style has changed a lot ever since then, he was not only a hip hop artist but truly an artist who knows how to express his feelings through music.
While Keita's on the run, w-inds. has stopped their events Ryohei & Ryuichi was not seen on TV. Right after Keita finished a whole lot of promotion and a mini live concert w-inds. was back on track.
With their popularity gaining, they had presented the 'Most popular Jpop group' in Korea.
While Keita's solo events stopped, w-inds. has gone back as a whole and released their latest single "Hanamuke".
As "Hanamuke" means goodbye or farewell, many fans had a thought that this was a sign that w-inds. will be breaking up. But as I believe in Keita's words "I will always be in w-inds." the thought of breaking is not worth thinking because it won't happen.
Even though I said w-inds. popularity throughout these years were pretty evenly, but compared to the past the numbers of lives they performed have decreased a lot.
Their were rumours that JE was trying to stop the Vision artist going on some music show but as it is a 'rumour' and there's no proof so can't confirm that. But I have been hearing a lot of bad comments about the JE manager.
So with w-inds. still surviving preparing to release their new album "Journey", Lead has gone back on track with their new single "Drive Alive" and FLAME is still settle down behind.
So will wFL appear once again on TV or anywhere esle?
Will Lead gain back their popularity or will FLAME gone back on track and start racing?
Monday, 19 February 2007 at 11:22:00 pm
Big Bang New Year Gag Concert Labels: Others | 0 comments»
Ever since I've watched Big Bang first MV "We Belong Together" I have been pretty much hooked on to Big Bang.
It's probably rare for me to get interested in an boy band by their music and not looks.
Big Bang released more songs and every song I listen I just fell in love with it.
I always thought Big Bang was just hardcore/Americans wannabe because of the way they wear.
But after seeing this clip, I've come to realise that they could be funny.
The whole ideal of this comedy corner is that people think they're really stylish, but in fact their fashion is pretty rediculous. So they talked in a very sarcastic tone to show they're all that and stuff.
G-Dragon with a big clock hang on his neck was just REDICULOUS! I mean that might break your neck, but the way he said "Fashion clock" was funny.
T.O.P was probably my favorite fashion there.
I've seen a lot of artist wore those BIG sunglasses before in some movies/dramas. But what's interesting is his tie, it looks pretty ordinary but it's actually a peice of cloth that you wash yourself in the shower.
The funny part is that he hook it on his shirt.
Then to make the audience laugh he did the Yoon Moon Sik impersonation.
The most embrassing and funny would just have to be Seungri's tight leopard skinny jeans. Gosh! It looks ugly! But it's funny to see Seungri wearing that. Now I can clearly see that he doesn't have a nice skinny legs that some Asian guys have.
This is probably the first time I see Big Bang humour actions and saying.
at 8:35:00 pm
Lead PV "Drive Alive" Labels: Jpop, Lead | 0 comments»
Finally the PV is out.
It was my first time seeing this PV and listen to the song. But in my opinion the song wasn't addictive when I first listen to it.
The PV was nothing special with makes me go "Woah!", but I guess it showed how much Lead has matured every since their last single 'Summer Madness'.
It was finally a time that Akira gets to sing the first chorus, which never happened before. Maybe I'm just not used to his voice, it differently sounded weird to me.
I'm very surprise that they didn't have rap included in the song, because as I'm a fan of Shinya's rapping I was looking forward for Shinya's rap.
I have to comment about their clothing.
Just looking at their style now, we can now say that Lead is truely a mature group. From their baggy hip hop style to this mature look.
Surprising I always think Keita and Shinya has the best style, not that Hiroki and Akira doesn't have a good looking style just that what they wear is kind of normal.
Shinya always look outstanding because of his hat, this may be a reason why I like him out of the four.
There's two coupling songs from this single, hope I get to listen to them sooner or later.
Hope they can continue to produce more music.
Sunday, 18 February 2007 at 6:35:00 pm
AAA x T&C Surf Designs - alohAAA! Labels: AAA, Jpop | 0 comments»
This is the new AAA x T&C Surf Design single cover. It will contain 6 songs and this single is called "alohAAA!".
It comes with a T-shirt and a pouch

I think the cover looks totally GREAT! (Especially Nishi)
This single will release on the March 21st, can't wait ne?
01. Wonderful Life
02. Taiyou
03. Hurricane Riri, Boston Mari
05. Chikyuu ni Dakarete
06. Shalala Kibou no Uta
Avex is really trying to suck our bloods, I don't understand why they have 5 old songs and 1 new.
I just think that this single is SOOOO expensive is because of the T&C brand.
Friday, 16 February 2007 at 11:07:00 pm
Lead New Single "Drive Alive" Labels: Lead | 0 comments»

LeadNew Maxi SingleDrive Alive2007.3.14 On Sale初回盤: DVD付2枚組:PCCA-02429 ¥1,575(tax in)通常盤: 生写真1枚(全5種類/期間限定):PCCA-02430 ¥1,260(tax in)1.Drive Alive(日本テレビ系 「歌スタ!!」 3月の“お題歌”) 2.GET DIZZY3.Love&Everything4.Drive Alive-Instrumental-初回盤に 「Drive Alive」プロモーションビデオ&メイキング映像を収録したDVD付。通常盤は期間限定でオリジナル生写真1枚(全5種類)を封入。
I can't believe that I just saw this news. Ever since Summer Madness I've lost contact with Lead.
I know they have been on some TV show cause I've seen photos, but I never actually saw the video.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to Lead's new single "Drive Alive".
The cover looks great!
I think Keita look mature a lot and Shinya always look as great as usual, epsecially when he's wearing a hat/cap.
I missed Lead so much, I used to really like them and kept update with them but now I'm completely like a newbie towards them.
I'm totally looking forward to the PV and songs!
Thursday, 15 February 2007 at 7:59:00 pm
Death Note ~The Last Name~ Labels: J-Movie | 0 comments»
Although it was straining my eyes so much plus I was watching it at night I still watched the whole movie because it was so interesting.
The movie started a review on what happened in movie 1 and then showed Shiori funeral. Then it just moves on to Light joining in the investigate group.
Things just went as the manga did, L & Light together investigate on the Kira case. I love the part where L went to Light's uni to see him and he was wearing a mask when he came. It was so CUTE!
There is slightly changes in the movie but I can't remember them. But the MAJOR change is the end part.
The BIG change was the part after when L meant to L in the manga.
In the manga Rem wrote L's and Watari's name in his Death Note in order to save Missa.
That scene did happened in the movie, BUT L didn't died....
What happened???
L was soooooo smart that he knew Light would try and kill him, so he wrote his name in Ryuk's Death Note that he die in 20 days after.
So the Death Note that Missa have been writting on was a fake one created by L. I think Ryuk knows about it but since he's not on either sides so he kept quite about it.
So when Rem wrote L's name on his Death Note L couldn't die, because he already written his name on another Death Note.
Well... At the end L will die just that Light died before L did which is different from the manga.
But at least it didn't show him dying, from my point of view, I think they made Light die before L is because L's character is more popular than Light in the live action movie.
Wednesday, 14 February 2007 at 6:33:00 pm
Sukitomo "Smile for you" Labels: Aiba, J-Movie | 0 comments»
I watched the "Smile for you" DVD! Finally, some video that I can see Aiba-chan.
It was a 40mins long video all focus on Aiba-chan, I loved this video.
Because before those backstage videos of Tenimyu or Switch wo Osutoki doesn't have much footage of the kawaii Aiba-chan.
Aiba-chan's acting is really good! I can see the emotions and feelings....
When he was talking about the movie, he told us that he put a lot of effort in just how to hold the camera so that he looks professional and handsome at the same time. Just a little thing in the movie, he worked so hard for it. This shows his serious-ness in towards acting.
Even though it's a movie that Aiba-chan develop a 'more than friend' feeling towards Takumi but it doesn't have any touchy or yaoi-ness in it.
It's very pure and navie love.
The most important part of the movie that shows them the touchy feels is the part where Aiba-chan nearly go run over by a motorbike and Takumi runs out and saved Aiba-chan. They both got down the floor and hugged each other. That scene they had to NG 3 or 4 times to get it right.
It seem like a pretty good movie to watch, but it might come out not as interesting. Just like Boys Love, I find it a bit boring (maybe because there was no subs).
Anyways, for Aiba-chan I will love this movie!
Tuesday, 13 February 2007 at 1:47:00 pm
Lovely Complex Labels: J-Movie | 1 comments»
Lovely Complex is about two Hich School students Atsushi Otani (played by Koike) and Risa Koizumi (played by Fujisawa). Risa, a tall Japanese girl, gets rejected by a boy because she is taller than him. Otani, a short Japanese guy, gets rejected by a girl because he is shorter than her. And the two gradually become attracted to each other while coping with their respective height complexes. Together, they became the laughing stock of their whole school, always caught bickering back and forth. Although everyone claims that they’re a “perfect couple”, both deny it with rage. Fed up, Koizumi set out on a mission to find a fitting boyfriend, but who knows, maybe everyone was right.The pair’s comedic dialog in Kansai dialect is very popular and the manga has sold over 6 million copies of volumes 1 through 12 combined.Obviously these two would make the oddest of couples and would never be a good match for each other right? Well, love doesn’t always follow such logic as Lovely Complex will show.
Main reason why I watched this might be Koike Teppei. Although I'm a fan of WaT but I love to watch him in dramas and movies. He's just utterly super cute!
I liked this movie, it's a comedy love romance movie. It has some touchy parts which I cried. But the part about the new teacher and the "Maity Team" was kind of stupid. I hated the all pink thing and how they treated him like a king. The most kawaii part was the kiss at the end, it's so cute how he tip-toed to kiss the girl. You know how usually it's the girls who tip-toe.
In some shots I think Fujisawa looked like Fiona Sit (a HK singer) for a second. But she is pretty cute!
There's no doubt that Teppei and Wentz are bestfriends. Wentz was in the filming, he was in the crowd of the Maity Team dressed in all pink.
It wasn't shown in the movie but it was shown afterward when they showed the making/backstage.
Monday, 12 February 2007 at 11:24:00 pm