When they just debuted I noticed about them and in the eariler songs I really liked "The Way U Are" but then because the other songs didn't appeal to me much so slowly it faded away from my mind. Just when this blog was opened I started to like DBSK again that I watched all their Banjun drama and downloaded their Heart, Mind and Soul & Rising Sun Concert. This action was done because I really liked their Japanese songs that they sang in the Heart, Mind and Soul concert. And it was the time when I finally learned their names instead of memorising their stage name, Uknow, Hero etc. After that it slowly faded away again until I started Tafe (school) I met this girl in my class who also like DBSK. Sometimes when we don't know what to talk about so we start talking about DBSK. And now when we are bored in class we go to Veoh and started watching their videos. Being with someone who likes DBSK really makes me get the interest again.
Recently I've been looking at random subbed videos on Veoh and I really loved watching the funny tv show.
At first glance of DBSK my favorite member is Max Changmin and now it is still Changmin there's no reason why I like him but it just happens to be my favorite member.
So I watched a lot of videos and I do learn more about him. At least I know he watches "special" videos and really good at downloading "videos" but not songs. There's a video that I watched, Changmin talked about his "special" videos and how his mother doesn't know about them, the funny thing was his mother was there watching the show and the host kept on saying "did you know about those "special" videos?" Changmin's mother was too shy to answer the question.
There are many more funny videos that I can talk about but I think it's too much. I think I need to continue to explore more about DBSK, I really like how they are so friendly to each other it's like a family and they actually not shy to show it the fans.
4 Responses to "DBSK? TVXQ? THSK? Whatever..." (Leave A Comment)
January 15, 2008 7:06 am
Hi ~ I'm a fan of them too [maybe a hardcore one :P] It was kinda the same to me as well , I started to like them , then the fandom faded away for a while and now I'm like addicted to them ^^ But I really like their brotherhood/friendship too , and the fact that they actually show that they love each other to everyone .. That's like one of the sweetest thing on earth , ne? It's nice to meet you , pls continue to enjoy their music ^^
February 10, 2008 6:11 pm
HI! i am a big big fan of TVXQ they are great singers,great dancers and great actors!! and...HANSOME GUYS!!! cute cute!! what else can you aks for? that´s why they are the gods rising from the east!
February 10, 2008 6:13 pm
August 30, 2008 2:07 am
the first time i heard about tvxq was after i read a popular chinese book, and was spazzing cos rumour said that it was gonna because a film ^^ i wanted to see who would play the hot guy in the book, and came to a forum with people posting about which celebrities they want to portray the characters in the book. the first ever picture dbsk related i ever saw was jaejoong in the rain...
he sort of shocked me because i never saw anyone look so perfect while soaked in water X3 but since i was a big aaron (fahrenheit) fan then i was just like he's quite hot... hm sou desu ne... but then the second picture was that photo with the whole of dbsk together wearing suits in this photoshoot, with mickey crouching down, and jae with platinum blonde hair. at first i thought he was just an anime character added into the pic, but then when i found out he was real, i totally spazzed...
and luckily, the first song i heard from dbsk was o jung ban hap, which is only arguably the coolest song from them. I was addicted to them ever since XDDDDD
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