It's time to post some Jpop music downloads again.
Sifow - Natsu Hanabi
SS501 - Kokoro
SHOWTA - Kimi ni, kaze ga fukimasu you ni
Utada Hikaru - Beautiful World/Kiss&Cry
Nakashima Mika - LIFE
That's all for now! Find more Jpop music to download at thaCMhouse
Jpop Music Downloads Labels: Downloads, Jpop | 5 comments»
Thursday, 23 August 2007 at 7:50:00 pm
RED SOUL PV Labels: AAA, Jpop | 0 comments»
OMG! The PV of RED SOUL is released! In the process of downloading it my heart was beating so fast as I was reading a bunch of comments from people who already have seen it. I was so excited about what this PV would be like.
I love the song so much as it's in the style of Let it beat! and BLOOD on FIRE. And are they meant to be vampires? I didn't get this message while watching the PV until I was reading comments from the forum. But vampires are COOL! Also red + black = vampire!
They just need to be more of a vampire. Too bad there's no plot in this PV, like a vampire storyline would be SO so cool! Seeing them sucking bloods? That would be awesome!
I realised that Shuta is getting more shots, so far this PV is the most shots he got. Although every shots only last 1 or 2 seconds but he showed up every then and now. But the bad thing is that there aren't as clear as the others, it was kind of hard to see his face. But overall I think Shuta is getting more and more cooler.
Shinjiro has very scary glowing eyes in some scene. But he's cool! Plus he got more shots than Naoya, Hidaka and Chiaki did (not something to be surprised at since he is popular amongst the girls).
They need to show more of Chiaki because she's being really hot in the PV. Hope the full version has more shots of her.At last which I cannot not mention is my lovely Nissy! He's not being much of himself in this PV. Usually he's the one who has the really hype up mood or smiling a lot. But he was rather calm and... cold? Yes his expression was a little cold, but he's still HOT! That expression.... I love it!
Friday, 17 August 2007 at 4:01:00 pm
The Rock Incident Labels: AAA, Jpop | 6 comments»
For people who didn't take notice of "The Rock Incident" that happened to AAA. Recently AAA went to Otakon 2007 at Baltimore, America to perform. While they were there to leave memories they graffiti a rock and the photo was posted on Chiaki's blog. Then later on some stupid nature loving people decided to make such a big deal about it and complained. The complain reached to Avex and on the AAA official website they even announced an apology and have deleted Chiaki's post. When I first heard it I thought it was such a small matter and since AAA apologized on their official website everything should be fine and over that is why I didn't even bother to make a post here. But I think I need to express my feelings since things are getting worst and worst.
- They got cut off from the 24 hour charity live
- Furuuche cm, AAA got cut
- Fans are bashing Chiaki (and they are really harsh comments)
- Complaining to Avex to "fire" Chiaki
I wonder if this incident will affect on their following releases & events? Like 5th Attack, 2nd Anniversary, RED SOUL single and AROUND album.
I just hope people can stop the HARSH COMMENTS and DROP THIS STUPID TOPIC!

Wednesday, 15 August 2007 at 5:31:00 pm
They received... Labels: Jpop, Tachibana Keita, w-inds. | 5 comments»
Well all know that w-inds. is very popular in Taiwan and that they have been there for 3 times. From the the photo the Taiwanese fans has sent w-inds. a message and w-inds. have received them.
But that is not what I'm trying to talk about, the thing I want to point out is "look at Keita's hair!" He cut it again? It's so short!
For the first time Keita has short short hair, before people says he has a big forehead but he looks completely fine in this photo.
Before I always wanted Keita to try having short short hair like this because he always have long fringe, now that it really happened. I'm not saying he looks bad, actually I think he looks refreshing and not bad with short hair. He looks young again...I love Keita no matter what kind of hairstyle he has...
Monday, 13 August 2007 at 9:30:00 pm
RED SOUL cover Labels: AAA, Jpop | 1 comments»
16th Single "Red Soul"
![]() | 【CD+DVD】 AVCD-31278/8 ¥1,890(税込) <CD収録内容> 1. Red Soul 2. 唇からロマンチカ(大魔王、昭和エレクト浪漫MIX)Remixed by古坂大魔王 3. キモノジェットガール,Remixed by Tomonao Tanaka 4. Red Soul (Instrumental) <DVD収録内容> 1. Red Soul (Music Clip) |
It's old news that AAA is releasing another single called "RED SOUL", but I just checked the official website and the cover for it was released. I love the cover, looks very stylish. All I can see is Nissy and Misako, but don't you think what Nissy is wearing looks familiar? Like something on this photo? I heard the 30sec preview and it sounds really good. It is a similar style of Let it beat! and I'm really glad to listen to this style again. Can't wait for it to be release.
Friday, 10 August 2007 at 9:54:00 am
4th Attack ! Labels: AAA, Jpop | 6 comments»
Last night I watched AAA's 4th Attack Tour, it was a 2 hour concert which was pretty long. So this is my thoughts and feeling after watching another great concert by AAA (I might be focusing on Nishi a lot because he's my favorite).
01. Samurai Heart
So they open with Samurai Heart and not BLOOD on FIRE this time. It's nothing different from their usual performance, the song really brings the tension up for the audience and it was great they had Urata playing the drums just like the live performance they did. The costume they wore was like in the 3rd Attack, a long coat with hoodie. But I like this design more because it's white with gold. Urata had his hoodie on for the whole song while the others took them off right when the music start playing for Samurai Heart. What I didn't like was the camera angles, it swing too much and too fast and made it hard for me to focus.
02. Let it beat!
As usual Let it beat! was awesome! After they finish singing Let it beat! they had a little dance routine going on and the music which played was Samurai Heart remix.
The performance was awesome! It was the best dance corner they had in all of the Attack. Other than group dance each member also get a solo part which was really good because I never seen the girls just dance. The coordination and formation of the dance made the whole dance really awesome.
I love Nishi's solo part, he was the last member to do his solo dance and I love the part at the end when he got kind of aggressive and took off the coat.
03. SHE no Jijitsu
Follow up was SHE no Jijitsu, the only time we get to see this song perform live is during their concerts. I thought it was great to put this song here as it has a nice flow with the previous songs. Again the camera angles annoyed me so much as it moved too quickly.
Everyone introduced themselves, during Shin's introduction he did his usual intro Maido thingy and all the audience responded loudly. After all the introduction, Hidaka began to take to lead to talk about how this live will be filmed for the DVD. More talking was done by Hidaka and Urata but I don't quiet understand.
04. Us
The atmosphere calmed a little bit when performing Us. I don't listen to this song a lot but the live of this performance made me listen to it whenever I'm in front of the computer finding music to blast through the speakers. There was a part of the dance which I find it very similar to the SUNSHINE dance but never mind. In the middle they were doing this bridge thing where the members go through, and there was this Nishi x Misako moment there (I'm a Nishi x Misako supporter).
05. Chewing Gum
All the members disappear only Nishi and Urata was on the stage. They slowly walk up to the 2nd level of the stage and did a little twist and twirl which made a lot of female fans screamed. Then the music for Chewing Gum started playing, there was nothing special about since they just stand there and sang.
From 2nd Attack onwards they have always included a ACT CORNER. I don't understand what the story is about all I understand was 'oba-chan', 'time capsule' and 'time machine' these words. (If anyone know the story please tell me)
The ACT was mainly talking, Shuta, Yukari & Urata sang "Welcome to this world". It was great and I must say that Shuta's voice is nice just that he needs more control.
So more talking was done and Nishi looks totally hot with glasses. They performed "Friday Party" as well nearly the end of the ACT.
After everyone made an excuse to leave the stage only Urata was left and it was his solo. He sang a solo of "Yume no Kakera" and it's a must watch for all the Urata's fans.
07. Champagne Gold Medley (Champagne Gold/ Saikyou Babe/Get or Lose/Soul Edge Boy/Kimono Jet Girl/Champagne Gold)
Champagne Gold, it wasn't a very popular song amongst all the others AAA's songs but somehow after the live performance at 3rd Attack it became a song which everyone cannot forget. And I have to mention this part, Nishi lifted up his shirt and made all the female fans screaming their lungs off, and that was his first fanservice.
All the songs afterward was a euro beat remix, only a few lines of Saikyou Babe was sung. Get or Lose sounds much better to me as in this beat, I thought fastening the beat of it made it sounds even better.
When Soul Edge Boy played the girls was in the 2nd level punching their fists up in the air just like the boys, but I thought the remix of Soul Edge Boy was not as good as the original it kind of lost the original feel.
It was the girls turn again but this time I didn't focus on the girls because the guys at the back was dancing to Kimono Jet Girl which was hilarious. I don't think Urata and Hidaka enjoyed as much as Nishi did. Nishi was practically swinging his hips very freely and was enjoying it so much (I bet he wanted to dance this routine so badly). And to end it Champagne Gold music was played again, but they only did the dance. Hidaka was very jumpy while doing the para para dance while the rest of the members danced normally.
08. Hallelujah
No matter how many times I watch Hallelujah performance I can never get sick of it because all the dance is just too awesome to get sick of.
It's like a dance corner, first half of the performance they did some stick tapping. I made me think they are doing a tribe dancing with all the stick tapping and running in circles. Even though AAA practiced so hard but sorry I have to say that it was pretty boring. Until the music started playing loudly that was the part where it's more interesting as it's more of a hip hop dance rather than a tribe dance. And once again Hidaka showed off his beat boxing skills. During the end part the 3 main lead singer was off the stage and was left with the other 5 members giving them more screen shots.
10. CCC Medley - (Mou Koi Nante Shinai/Be cool!/sure danse/CRAZY GONNA CRAZY)
It started off really nice with Mou Koi Shinai which was sang by the 3 main lead. Right after is Be Cool! the other 5 members show up and this song totally owned by Misako and I love this song even more after watching the performance. Sure danse is one of the performance where everyone screamed. Because it was the partner, sexy dance where they get touchy. Nishi was partner with Chiaki, Misako was partner with Shin & Urata, Yukari was partner with Shuta & Hidaka.
Afterward was the song that they always perform CRAZY GONNA CRAZY. I guess AAA got used to the chanting in names after each lines, so during the lines Nishi sang Misako was chanting "Nishi" along with the audience. And when it's Misako's turn Nishi chanted "Uno-chan" which I thought it sounded really cute! Afterward when it's Urata's part the audience just kept on chanting his name.
Too build up the tension with the audience they made the audience sing "CRAZY GONNA CRAZY" and "LOVE YOU GONNA TAKE YOU" lines.
No idea what they were talking about but they mention about the CM they did. And I saw a few audience waving the Fruit Drink that they were promoting and it seem like it's not the first time they make one of the member to act the CM out. But this time it's Misako's turn "chu-su-ru?". So kawaii! Then Nishi and Hidaka immediately danced around Misako which I found it extremely cute!
11. Get Chuu!
It was expected that they will perform Get Chuu! after since they just performed the CM out.
12. "Q"
"Q" is one of the song where all the audience can dance along with AAA which I find it extremely good about it. And Nishi he stuffed up on the 2nd verse that he forgot the lyric and Urata did a great job trying to fill it up and to jog Nishi's memory up. Nishi's facial expression was so cute at that moment when he stuffed up and Urata's expression was priceless as well.
13. Winter lander!!
I can finally spot the similar dance move as SUNSHINE that one of the member was talking about in the AAA forum. It was the part where they were kind of pointing up, once again the audience danced it that part. And if I was right the rapping part was changed. I think Hidaka changed the lyrics to saying something to the audience.
14. Hurricane Lily Boston Mary (Original long version)
As usual it's a super duper awesome performance! And the audience was great as well with the arm swing move. As this song have been performed a lot of time live, practically the fans know what to do. They don't need to be lead to start the chanting, they already know when to chant.
15. YA-YA-YA
I'm glad they performed this song because I really like this song, nothing was changed in the dance or anything. It's just a old song where everyone is familar with.
16. Climax Jump
I guess the most amusing part was the act, Urata was the hostage and Kame Rider came out to save him. It was so hilarious because none of the AAA members would save him and then Urata walked down and started talking to the other members how they should react and the dorky Urata walked back up as being the hostage.
This is a must perform song as a song was their first single and bring a lot of fame to AAA. As usual it was a powerful performance.
18. Mikansei
It's not Bokura no te this time, they ended with Mikansei. I'm glad to see them performing this live because I really love this song. Right at the end I saw Nishi who had the urge to cry but he kept it in. In the end as uaual they hold hands and Urata shouted "Domo arigatou gozaimasu". Also I love the fact they didn't just went off the stage afterward but actually stayed back and thanked the fans. They all throw their towels out and the audience became crazy about catching it.
Overall this was another great concert by AAA even though I find 3rd Attack is still the best (probably it's the stage that is a lot bigger and they have more space to dance). I'm a little sad that Missile Innovation didn't play for them otherwise the sounds would be a lot better.
There's one I liked in every AAA concert is that other than AAA doing a fantastic job in performing but the reaction on the audience is one major issue for me while watching the concert. Practically the audience chanted every then and now, also dancing along with AAA makes me want to join the crowd as well. I love how some of their dances was for like audience to follow, it's easy and everyone can do it. Just looking at the audience doing the same move amazes me and the scene is awesome.
I'm really excited to see their 5th Attack concert and hope they will bring another awesome performance.
Sunday, 5 August 2007 at 9:42:00 pm