The Jdrama series which I watched that were released last season were Proposal Daisakusen, LIAR GAME and Seito Shokun. I didn't watch a lot from last season because it doesn't interest me, even though I wanted to watch Hotelier as it's starring Aya Ueto but the rating was so low and in the end I didn't bother downloading it.
I finished Proposal Daisakusen & Seito Shokun final episode.
First, Proposal Daisakusen the last episode was unexpectedly good it didn't made me have the urge to skip any parts of it. And finally finally Kenzo confessed his love in front of everyone. While watching ep11 I was thinking that it's not really Kenzo's fault that they both couldn't get together earlier, there was some flash back and Kenzo did expressed his feelings a lot of time towards Rei but as they were really close friends Rei just thought Kenzo was fooling around and didn't pay too much attention. It was right, Rei is at fault as well.
So right after Kenzo confessed, Rei thought back a lot of the past with Kenzo and realised that there were many times that Kenzo have hinted that he likes her.
Her heart was easily wobble, right after Kenzo confession she's having doubts about her marrying to Sensei. I really wonder if she ever loved Sensei or maybe she just accepted the marriage because she gave up on Kenzo. But to me I think Rei doesn't even like Sensei at all.
It didn't really show that Kenzo and Rei were together at the end but as Rei ran out of the church chasing after Kenzo, all audience knows that it means they are together. Happy ending? But not for Sensei, he let go of Rei to chase after Kenzo.
Now move on the Seito Shokun, there's really nothing much to talk about this last episode. Everything is predicted, Naoko was saved by Hinata-san but had to transfer to a different school. All the students were crying like she's going to past away or something. Even if Naoko left the school it's not like they will never see each other again at least Julia will see her everyday since she's living with her.
I don't know why, every time I want some romance happening in some Jdrama that I'm watching it will never happen. This one was a pretty normal ending something similar to Gokusen, where Yankumi had to leave and go to another school.
The school that Naoko went to in the end was like a bunch of monkeys there, those type of bad-ass students who just fool around and not dress up properly.
Also about LIAR GAME, heard that the last episode was 2hrs and something and thought there will be a lot of extra scene on Nao-chan and Akiyama-san but it's just a recap of the whole drama. I feel like I'm watching the whole drama again but the difference is that it's not in detail and the scene of the old man is added in. I feel like it's a waste of my time watching the last episode but I didn't want to skip any parts because I might miss parts of the old man where it might be important to knowing more of why he made this game. Nao-chan is so naive! But that is why she is loved and so cute... I knew that there won't be any romance in this drama but I still hoped to see some chemistry between Nao-chan and Akiyama-san. Oh well, it ended like so quickly and not in an excited way.
Right now I'm waiting for the Summer season ones to be broadcast!
END OF LAST SEASON JDRAMAS Labels: Jdrama | 3 comments»
Saturday, 30 June 2007 at 10:08:00 pm
LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING PV Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 0 comments»
I didn't know about w-inds. newest PV was released until I came across another blog which the person mention about it. I quickly went to youtube and search for it while the good quality version is downloading at bittorrent.
I seriously wasn't excepting a PV like this, it sure have surprise me and it's something fresh. It's a PV which is filmed so differently from their previous ones.
The whole PV is mainly them running, it looks like the old Nintendo games where it's 2D and the character just runs forward. This does sounds like a boring PV but the most enjoying part is just to see them having fun and relaxing. Like the part where Ryuichi gets left behind because he couldn't keep up with the two and fell down. The chorus part where they start to dance, Ryuichi was not ready and only Ryohei and Keita danced while waiting for Ryuichi to join. And the last part were Ryuichi and Ryohei was down on the floor and Keita was just standing there pointing at them and laughed.
It's a weird PV, they run, jumps around, dance, climbing up the wall, did flips etc. Just looking at them having so much fun just makes you concentrate on the PV and don't want to take a glimpse off the screen.
The only complain I probably have is that it's really hard to get a clear shot of Ryohei and Ryuichi or maybe Keita as well. Most of the shots were small because it's filming them running.
Saturday, 23 June 2007 at 5:17:00 pm
JDRAMAS.... Labels: Jdrama | 0 comments»
I've stopped watching my Jdramas for a while because I got sick of waiting one episode per week thing another reason was I got kind of carried away with different things and lost interests in the Jdramas.
But couple of days ago I started watching a whole lot of episodes of LIAR GAME and Seito Shokun.
I watched from ep4 to ep10, damn it was so great! I'm glad I waited and watch it all at once otherwise I'll be like now so eager to watch ep11 the final one.
Nao lied for the first time!!! HORRAY! I quiet like the round 2 of the game when the losers from round 1 came back for round 2. I got all tensed up while to see who got the most vote and was so worried about Nao for not getting any vote at first. Also like the part where everyone begs to buy her votes.
I wonder if they going to say anything about Nao and Akiyama relation, wonder if they going to get together but I highly doubt it.
Seito Shokun
It's was good that now everyone in the class trust their teacher except for Julia. I was kind of annoyed how everyone didn't trust her and just want to say "Stop thinking about the stupid past and think straight".
I like in ep9 where the part Kohei and Julia went out, it's like a date. I got a feeling that Kohei likes Julia or maybe I'm just thinking to much. There's only an 2 age gap between them, they still look cute together. Wakaba Ryuuya is so cute! I think he's getting some fans out here as I can see him having more parts in dramas.
Seito Shokun is good but it doesn't win against GTO and Gokusen, both GTO and Gokusen have a good plot and humors.
Friday, 22 June 2007 at 11:49:00 pm
SUPER CHAMPLE Labels: dance | 5 comments»
Because I was watching random dancing videos on youtube I found this dance TV show "SUPER CHAMPLE" which is hosted by Da Pump and another female which I don't know her name. They have amazing dancers on the show and through this show I get to watch a lot of amazing dances and know more amazing dancers.
I'm pretty hooked on this guy "Hitori de Dekirumon" he dances Freestyle, every routines on this shows cracks me up. He sure knows how to put humors in his dance routine, and of course his skills are amazing to watch. I just love his footwork, so fast.
Monday, 18 June 2007 at 8:19:00 pm
LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING Labels: Downloads, Jpop, w-inds. | 1 comments»
w-inds. newest single "LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING" will release on the 4th July.
As usual the first press comes with a DVD which contains 10 minutes of Jacket Shooting, Making & Interview.
As Keita is voicing for Shrek 3, this single will also be the theme song for Shrek 3.
While this single is being released they should be in the middle of their "Journey" tour and this single might be sang during one of the tour just like the singles before.
While first time listening to the radio version of "LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING" I didn't like it that much maybe because the key is so high and find that Keita is having difficulties in reaching these high notes. But after repeating it 3 or 4 times the song is starting to get in my head and it's catchy. But I'm really curious how well can Keita sing in lives, especially singing those high notes.
03: 夏祭り
Download (Radio Version)
Tuesday, 12 June 2007 at 8:27:00 pm
Alice Nine Labels: Jrock | 0 comments»
As I have always listen and liked pop groups so I'm surprised that I actually started liking a Jrock group. Which is called "Alice Nine" that consist of 5 members: Shou (Vocal), Hiroto (Guitarist), Tora (Guitarist), Saga (Bass) and Nao (Drums).
I'm always fascinated about Jrock's hairstyle and makeup but because of the music they produce so I'm constantly staying away from Jrock bands.
So when I was bored and randomly going in a forum and start checking things out I came across Alice Nine and I was drawn into their pretty faces.
I thought maybe looking at their faces is enough because I don't want to ruin it when the music is not my type. But if I like the group I should at least listen to what they sound like, so after two days finding out about Alice Nine I went on youtube and looked at their latest PV "JEWEL".Surprisingly the song is not bad and kind of nice when I was listening it the first time on youtube. Then I actually went and find the PV to download, for the 2nd time listening to this song "JEWEL" I guess I'm already loving this song.
So far I have come up with this band Alice Nine are all positive, there's not much things I didn't like about apart from some of their dressing in some photos.
I'll be keeping an eye on them from now on!
Monday, 4 June 2007 at 7:11:00 pm