It's been awhile since I've posted here.
I've just finish watching AAA's 5th Attack DVD, this is also their last attack.
I have to say this concert is their best so far, performing at Budokan a bigger stage makes the concert more better.
This is my little review on the concert after watching (I'm very forgetful so I'm typing this right after I finished it).
01. Kuchibiru Kara Romantica
Can't believe they started off the concert with this song because usually in concerts they start off with a heat beating fast song. I love the masks they all wore it really hate such a effect for the song and performance.
02. Paradise Paradise
It's their first time performing this song live and also the first time I see it live. There wasn't anything special about the dance or anything but what caught my attention was during the 2nd verse when it's Chiaki's line, she and Nissy, looks like she's humping Nissy (I don't want to use the word 'humping' but there's no other word I could think of).03. VIRGIN F
This act corner was what I was looking forward to when I first saw photos of 5th Attack. The scenes Nissy and Misako holds hand and almost kissed and the unforgettable moment of Nissy and Hidaki kiss.
Out of all Acts this Act is the best simply because it has a really simple story which I understands and it's fun to watch. There's not much talking (which is a good thing because I don't understand) and the songs matches the storyline. I think I would cut out this Act and put it in my ipod so that I can watch it over and over again.
-Friday Party
This is best for crowds, Misako was so cute when she's trying to get Nissy's attention but Nissy was looking the other way. During Friday Part Nissy and Misako was so cute! They were leaning against each other and the way they smile at each other was priceless.-Deai no Chikara
The end part reminds me of when they sing this during 2nd Attack, they could've kissed if Shinjiro didn't confess to Misako.-Hanabi
The girls were singing Hanabi and the guys at the back were lighting up hanabi which I thought was really cool.-No End Summer
Hahaha, I liked the part where Nissy was jealous because Misako and Shinjiro were having fun throwing ball and Misako went up to Nissy and giving him the ball.-Chewing Gum
-Deai no Chikara II
When they first sang Deai no Chikara I thought "Why didn't they hold hands?" finally in Deai no Chikara II they were holding hands.
When they were trying to kiss it was so cute and at the end Nissy kissed Hidaka, Nissy's expression was funny. He first was enjoying the kiss and when he finds out it's Hidaka he keeps on wiping his mouth.06. Get Chu!
I liked how when they just kissed they sang Get Chu! and Nissy once again wiped his mouth while singing it.
07. Shalala Kibou no Uta
They sang this as a ballad song, the lead vocal went to Chiaki and Misako (but more of Chiaki). I think I like the original version more.
08. Kirei na Sora
This was also sang as a ballad and the main vocals were the guys. Everyone singing has improved especially Shuta, I still remember when I first heard him singing a solo part in Hurricane Riri, Boston Mari ~Original long version~ it was horrible.
09. Wonderful Life
10. Us
11. Body Talker
The chorus dance part was pretty easy I think if they performed this again the fans would probably dance along with them.
Dance Corner
It started off with Hidaka doing a little dance and introducing this section. The Shinjiro appears sitting on a chair and expected it was his usual moves again, I think he needs to learn new moves. The Misako appear holding a gun and there's a couple of English lines said and gun shooting sounds. The part where she puts her gun in her pants seem a bit ero but I'm sure a lot of guys will enjoy it. Urata and his swinging-stick performance, it wasn't that bad but it was just a little too short. The it was Chiaki and her spinning and swinging dance moves, then it was Shuta's turn. He was wearing a tank top and a cap which reminds me of American artist like Usher or something, the only unforgettable scene was when he ripped his shirt and the crowd was all screaming. Last was Nissy as expected he did break dancing, sometimes I can't believe a guy who look like that can break dance. His breaking wasn't a disappointment and because I rarely see him do that move (other than in Hallelujah PV) it wasn't boring at all.
13. That's Right
14. Climax Jump
-SHE no Jijitsu
-Winter lander!!
-Hurricane Riri, Boston Mari (Original long version)
-Saigo no Kotoba
There's so much about this concert which I couldn't express you just have to watch it.
AAA 2nd Anniversary Live ~5th ATTACK 070922~ Nippon Budokan Labels: AAA, fangirling, Jpop | 30 comments»
Sunday, 20 January 2008 at 7:42:00 pm
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30 Responses to "AAA 2nd Anniversary Live ~5th ATTACK 070922~ Nippon Budokan" (Leave A Comment)
February 03, 2008 1:36 pm
i just saw this concert and wrote about it. i was really bored D: lol. i felt bad cause everybody was saying it was great.
anyways because of your report i also decided to watch it cause i heard good stuff about it. but i guess we just have different tastes lol.
February 03, 2008 1:45 pm
well everyone has different taste.
I guess my only favorite part was the white bit.
February 03, 2008 1:47 pm
By the way, what happened to your blog? How come i couldn't get in?
Did u change the url?
February 03, 2008 10:17 pm
oh sorry! yes i changed the URL shortly before the old domain expired (bad move) but i think u found your way hehe ;)
i think i liked the acoustic part a lot :D it showed more of AAA's depth in singing
February 03, 2008 11:07 pm
Yeah, found your new blog link through another blog.
Wasn't sure if it was your blog, I was just guessing since it has all the Lead post then I saw your name when I was commenting.
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