Finally got a copy of this PV, I first saw this PV on his official website. It's nothing special but the song rocks. I was excited to listen to this when I heard the preview on his official website.
And for his style I think I have commented about it before, but anyways he turned into one of those teens that hangs around Harajuku. I really do refer his older hairstyle.
SHOWTA (PV) Kimi ni, Kaze ga Fukimasu youni Labels: Jpop, SHOWTA | 1 comments»
Tuesday, 31 July 2007 at 9:01:00 pm
w-inds. New Releases Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 4 comments»
価格: \2,310[税込]
2003年に発売された「w-inds.meets JUNON」の続編がいよいよ登場!2003年後半から2007年までの記事を再編集したお宝メモリアルブック。中身はセクシーショットにキュートショット、トークは毎回楽屋ノリで大盛り上がり!
価格: \3,150[税込]
発売日:2007/09/05 1枚[組]
[仕様] 封入特典(初回生産分のみ):ポストカード(予定)
好評シリーズ第6弾!今作は20thシングル「ブギウギ66」、21thシングル「ハナムケ」、22thシングル「LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING」の各CLIPとオフショット&メイキングを収録!
According to SHINSEIDO's news this was announced and I'm excited about the Junon 2 book, because I thought reading a whole lot of interview done by Junon was a great thing. I've been missing their interview all the time and it's such a waste to buy every issue with w-inds. in it. So this is a must buy but without a Chinese version I would not purchase it because it will defeat the main purpose as I don't understand Japanese and the whole thing is practically words and photos. Getting a Chinese version of w-inds. stuff is getting harder and harder for me.
Wednesday, 25 July 2007 at 9:59:00 pm
Music to Download Labels: Downloads, Jpop | 2 comments»
I uploaded these singles for my website, but I would also like to share them here as well.
Lead - UMI [Single]
AAA - Natsumono [Single]
Keita Tachibana - FRIEND [Single]
SHOWTA - Hitoshizuku [Single]
YUI - Can't buy my love [Album]
Virgin Snow OST [Album]
Ok, that's all for now. I might post a few download links once in a while or you can visit my website.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007 at 9:52:00 pm
Jdrama watching now... Labels: Jdrama | 2 comments»
For the Summer 2007 season, currently I'm watching
- Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
- Yamadatarou Monogatari
- Tantei Gakuen Q
- First Kiss
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
Watched the first two episode of it, I had a lot of expectation on this and thought it should be better than the Taiwanese version. But it seem like this version is going too fast, everything just happens without a time period to evolve in it. I don't really see a Sano character in Shun he's just acting cocky. Maki did a good job in playing as Ashiya Mizuki.
Over all, in the 2nd episode I kind of lost interest in Hana Kimi. But I will continue to watch it.
Yamada Tarou Monogatari
I love this drama! I watched the Taiwanese version before and laughed my head off. But this one is not bad as well, even though I don't want Nino as Tarou. I mean Nino and Sho are way off in age for high schooler but I guess they can still pull it off. You maybe say Nino is cute but he doesn't look like the smart type to me (This is just my own opinion).
Tantei Gakuen Q
I like detective dramas, it's always fun to watch. Even though it's pretty easy to guess who's the murder but I still love it. Yamada Ryousuke is so cool, he grow so much since the last time I saw him (which were like years ago). And OMG! I just found out that the one who plays as Kazuma is Wakaba Ryuuya's little brother, no wonder I thought he looked like someone. But sorry Ryuuya is cuter.
Watched two episodes of it, it's pretty good. Showing the dark side of school, friends, and family. Poor Ayumu, have to suffer so much in her life. It's like everything is bad in her life every since she want to enter that high school. And yeah Japanese people make big deal about whether they can enter a good high school that they will commit suicide.
First Kiss
The first episode was ok, I don't why they got such a high rating on this episode. Nothing really much happened except we see how much of a brat Mio is. Because of her sickness she just do whatever she wants. Yuuta is hot in this drama, so I'm going to continue to watch this or I'll just download it and someday I might finish watching it.
Saturday, 14 July 2007 at 7:30:00 pm
thaCMhouse website Labels: Others | 0 comments»
Lately I was busy with building my new website so I didn't post anything up here.
Please visit thaCMhouse!
This website is a little introduction to Asian entertainment things, such as movies, dramas, music, anime and even dance videos.
There are also mini flash games which I found it interesting and direct linked it. It seem like a small website but I worked very hard for it especially the homepage since everything is positioned using pixel I had a great amount of fun with playing numbers for the whole night.
Anyways, hope you all like it ! ! !
Thursday, 12 July 2007 at 11:29:00 pm
2nd on Oricion Ranking Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 1 comments»
First of all congratulation to w-inds., LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING single was ranked 2nd on Oricon. And hope it will not drop.w-inds. have returned to Japan after staying at Hong Kong for 3 days. On the 2nd July they participate in Hong Kong return 10th anniversary commemoration Pop Rock Gala event.
It was a outdoor event even though it rained a bit but audience's tension remain high, w-inds. was the only Japanese artist which performed on the day.
w-inds. performance lasted for 20 minutes, they sang a total of 5 songs which include Top Secret, Crazy for you, Boogie Woogie 66, Shiki and LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING.
Not being bias or anything but all media attention was towards this band w-inds.
During Boogie Woogie 66 because the stage was a bit wet from the rain Ryuichi accidentally slipped and fell even though it was embarrass but he got up and kept on performing.
In the whole event w-inds. were enjoying themselves and showed their friendliness towards Hong Kong 3 man group "Grasshopper".
The next day they attended a conference to receive their awards which they have gotten through the years. Altogether it adds up to 10 awards, interview was also made.
They mainly talked about their first impression of Hong Kong, the food and expressed that they would like to held a concert in Hong Kong. The conference only lasted 35 minutes long and w-inds. had to quickly leave to the airport .
Thursday, 5 July 2007 at 10:44:00 am
The voice of an angel Labels: Jpop, SHOWTA | 0 comments»
Just this afternoon I got hooked up on to this guy, SHOWTA. I clicked on his Hitoshizuku PV randomly on youtube, I thought loading the PV was going to be a waste of my download limits but surprisingly it was worth it. The song was extremely great and his voice is so smothering.
His look and voice is so female like even I had doubts if he was a male or not until I saw comments from people referring SHOWTA as "he".
The song Hitoshizuku has made me interested in SHOWTA, he has released 3 single so far and the 3 single songs becoming my favorite songs. With Hitoshizuka being my favorite out of all, his 4th single Kimi ni, Kaze ga fukimasu you ni will be releasing soon and it has now became one of the single that I'm waiting to be release.
Tuesday, 3 July 2007 at 9:21:00 pm
w-inds. in Hong Kong Labels: Jpop, w-inds. | 1 comments»
Yesterday 1st July at 2:35pm the famous hip hop boy band w-inds. have finally first arrived to Hong Kong, on the day there were more than 1000 fans waited at the airport. Lately there's no other artist that could beat how much fans have waited for an artist to arrive. There was a big commotion once w-inds. step out of the gate, the three of them were excitedly happy and kept on waving to the fans. While leaving the airport they stepped on to a small stage to let the reporters and fans take photos. Keita who were extremely high started doing a little dance and immediately all the fans screamed after hearing the crazy scream from fans Keita tension was even higher and putting cute poses.
w-inds. left the airport but fans did not just leave, they had 3 vans awaited outside to continue chasing after their idol. w-inds. will be staying in Hong Kong for 48 hours and today 2nd July they will participate in the 擁抱十周年POP ROCK大派對event as a special guest.
On the 4th July their 22nd single "LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING" will be release, they will also held a promotion event.
EDIT// OMG! I finally found the video where Keita does the dorkiest thing! The dance and posing that I have mention above. But I must say it's so cute! He was so random when he started dancing. And I think Keita dyed his hair brown again, it looks way better than before when he was at the Shrek 3 conference.
Monday, 2 July 2007 at 6:37:00 pm